Thursday, August 25th, 2005


Wow! Thank you so much for the congratulations and well wishes! I’m overwhelmed!

To answer some of the questions…

I don’t know exactly how far along I am, because I’m irregular. I think I’m about 7 weeks. But I’ll know better on Sept. 8th, when I have an ultrasound.

A baby-themed knit-along? Well, perhaps. I like the thought of baby hats knit with koigu. And I’d love to knit a baby blanket, but I am WAY too sick to knit right now. Perhaps in the future…

No, it was not planned, but we DID want more children so we’re very happy. We were hoping to wait a little longer to allow my back to further heal.

If I’m as far along as I think I am, we’re looking at yet another April birthday. Nate laughed. He said he figures he’s just extra sexxy in July.

I do not know the gender yet. Probably in November? Neither of us has a preference, so long as there’s only ONE in there. That’s all I care about. And that he/she is healthy, of course!

Oh, yeah, as for Health Group… It is absolutely continuing! Considering the state of my back, I NEED to keep working on myself. I have physical therapy exercises to do, I can continue my weights, and will continue aerobic exercise. It’s more important now than ever! When I was pregnant with Veronica, I actually stayed in the same pants for most of my pregnancy. The fat melted as the baby grew. It was SO COOL! I’m hoping I can do that again. Although this wretched nausea will have to go away. How did I do it last time? I did Kathy Smith’s Pregnancy Workout Video 5 days a week while the girls napped.

Ok, I think I got them all.

I am still horribly sick! I woke up at 10 this morning, and by some miracle, the girls let me sleep. They aren’t early risers, but they’re usually hungry the instant they awake. V wasn’t even out of bed yet! So that was nice. Nate bought some berry yogurt yesterday, so I had something I could eat this morning. That was also very nice. Food tends to be so revolting to me.

You know what else is setting me off? Just THINKING about my spinning wheel. Isn’t that horrible? I’ve wanted a wheel for a year, I finally get one, and two weeks later, I can’t even look at the thing because it makes me so sick! Lame. I am very motion sick, and the spinning of the wheel is too much for me. I hope this is short lived.

Yesterday, after my morning errands and doctor appts, I stayed in bed the rest of the afternoon and evening. I couldn’t knit. I couldn’t even watch my fish for more than a few seconds. The only thing I did, in short bursts, was read some of Stephanie’s book, At Knit’s End. When we get paid again, I’m getting some vitamin B6. That’s supposed to help.