Saturday, September 3rd, 2005

Health Group- Year 2, week 13

More of the same. I’m sorry. I’m sick. I’m still spending the majority of my days in bed. I’ll be happy if I get a shower today, but the smell of shampoo kills me. I haven’t been able to exercise. We bought some produce last night at the store, and I plan to do a lot of juicing this upcoming week. Nate made a delicious juice for me this morning with pineapple, carrots, apples, and celery. It was fabulous. Since I can’t eat on a regular basis, I’m hoping the juice will give me some nutrients. I feel weak from the lack of food, and more importantly, from the lack of GOOD food. Nibbling on crackers, chips, and ice cream just to get a taste in my mouth isn’t providing any strength. I’m going to go drink some water.

How is it going out there?