Wednesday, September 7th, 2005


Following Susan’s suggestion, I went to peruse herbs yesterday. Veronica and I had a lovely time amidst the lovely plants and water fountains before we ended up at the herb tables. I didn’t bother with parsley and cilantro, because they’re annuals, and it said they can’t tolerate temperatures below 50 degrees F, so that seemed pointless. But, they had lots of mint, which was what I was most anxious for. I had no clue what kind I wanted. I didn’t know what kind is sold in the grocery store as plain old “mint”, neither did the sales associate that I asked, so I bought four.


Veronica and I munched on them in the car on the way home. Nate happened to be home when we got there, and when I told him I didn’t know what kind of mint was sold in the grocery store he said, “spearmint”, very matter-of-factly. I swear the man knows everything. (He really does).

Anyway, this morning I had a wonderful time in the sun on my back deck planting them. Abner had a good time stealing mouthfuls of peat moss and herbs whenever he got the opportunity. Dork.


From left to right…

Apple mint, Spearmint, Lemon Balm (not mint, but smells heavenly and is supposed to make good tea), and Peppermint.

So I get to play with fresh mint this winter. Hooray! I have gardening books with all sorts of fabulous suggestions.

You will most likely be pleased to hear that I’m going to have some fun knitting-content posts tomorrow and Friday. So if you’re bored out of your mind with my whining about being sick (I threw up yesterday and wanted to die), and my dumb dog, tomorrow should be a good time.