Saturday, November 19th, 2005

Health Group- Year 2, week 24

Holy crap! I’ve never done this before, in the year and a half we’ve been doing it. I missed Health Group yesterday, (Saturday)! So I’m cheating and posting it on Saturday anyway.

Well, my party yesterday was fabulous. I saw Harry Potter 4 yesterday morning. I have to say that while it’s worth seeing, I was disappointed. They just had too much to cover in that movie to make it compelling. However, I do admit that it had brilliant moments. And it’s always fun to see the characters, hear the music, etc.

As for Health Group….

I didn’t get any exercise in this week. I’ve been spending all my energy on getting the house ready for the party. (It’s so pretty)!

I haven’t eaten enough this week. I probably made up for it in calorie intake last night. Mmmm. But there is definitely room for improvement next week. Which of course is Thanksgiving week. So the calorie consumption isn’t going to improve, but I hope to exercise.

I didn’t weigh myself this week, and to do so now would be inaccurate, considering how much I ate very late last night. So, we’ll wait a week for the scale.

How was your week?