Saturday, January 21st, 2006

Health Group- Year 2, week 33

Hey all. Another busy day. Two birthday parties, Nate had to speak at the University of Washington, I had to help set up a quilting service project at the church, and we spent an hour and a half looking at the cool house again, this time with the kids. Right now, the realtor is in the living room with Nate, planning and plotting on how we can get our house ready to sell (we need to put a new roof on) and make an offer on the new one. And we’re looking at closing dates, which are freakishly close to delivery date….

Yes, it’s insanity.

This morning, I weighed in at 234, which is a total weight gain of 10 pounds thus far. And I’ll be 30 weeks on Wednesday. Why I’m not gaining any weight is beyond me, but I’ll take it.

No exercise this week. Not enough water.

But it looks like I passed my glucose test!

How are you doing?