Wednesday, May 17th, 2006

Good morning!

Clark is 6 weeks old now.


We’re going camping over Memorial Day weekend with a couple of Nate’s brothers and their families, so I’ve been shopping to fill in the gaps in our camping gear. Which were significant. Veronica and I were at the mall for most of yesterday, and spent much of that time in REI, which is the coolest store ever. Every time I’m there, I want to buy everything and live in the mountains like a recluse.

Moving on, I bought Stahman’s Shawls and Scarves online finally. Unfortunately, the binding has come undone, so I’m waiting for another one to be sent. But before it all fell apart, I had some great ideas for conquering the world, or at least for knitting a shawl.

Don’t know when exactly I’m going to be able to do it.

But getting into the spirit of things, I drug out all of the lace yarn in my stash and came across the Daisy Swatch-turned-Scarf (see sidebar under WIP). I think I’m going to finish it as soon as I can find any length of time that isn’t claimed by something else.

Which might not happen until we’re camping, and even that’s thinking optimistic.

And now I’m sad. I just followed the Daisy Swatch-turned-Scarf link and saw my pretty fingernails. Pout. They haven’t looked like that in a long time. I had finally broke my life long nail biting habit, but it rears its ugly head when I’m under significant stress.

I bit them on 9/11. I bit them when my insurance company said it wasn’t going to honor the rest of my PIP coverage after the accident, despite my continuing pain.

So in January when we were suddenly and unexpectedly buying a house and needing to rapidly fix ours to sell, (remember the bathroom floor?), amidst pregnancy sickness, impending delivery, and car accident attorney stuff, my nails went to pot.

Where they remain.


I’m going to go find my cuticle conditioner and clear polish now, because I’m not ok with this.