Saturday, July 29th, 2006

Health Group- Year 3, week 7

Good morning. This week was quite a slide for me, mainly because there was no time for exercise. I don’t even remember what all kept me away from home, but I wasn’t home, and aside from a fantastic, 50 minute walk through my in-laws’ neighborhood Monday night with a sister-in-law, I didn’t exercise. And there was a little bit of ice-cream consumed. And a chocolate bar. And some potato chips in small quantities. Oh, and there was cake, too. But all of the previously mentioned were legitimately consumed in small quantities. Even the chocolate bar was one of those thin, Hershey bars designed for smores.

I’m blaming it on the fact that I’m pseudo-menstruating.

So that was my “break” week, and I’m gearing up to return to regular exercise and healthy eating next week, possibly starting today.

While I’m back up at 220.5, I’m happy to report that…

Hold up. I was about to tell you that I measured myself 4 days ago and had gone down 1/2 inch in both my waist and my hips since I measured 2 weeks ago, but when I measured just now to make sure, I had dropped another half inch in my waist, and another 1/4 inch in my hips. (I showed another 1/2 inch in my hips the first 7 times I measured, but couldn’t really believe it, so on the 8th time, when it showed a bit between 1/4 and 1/2, I took it).

This brings me to a total of 1 inch lost in my waist and 3/4 of an inch lost in my hips since July 9th. And I know July 9th’s measurements were accurate, because I’d been measuring myself for much of the last couple months trying to decide which size of bridesmaid dress to order for my sister’s wedding, and I measured exactly the same throughout that period of time.

This calls for a celebration.

How ’bout an artsy shot of my tape measure?
