Wednesday, November 21st, 2007

Thanksgiving preparations

So much to do, and I’m completely behind in every imaginable way. Except for the grocery shopping.

I was supposed to clean my house and do laundry on Monday.

I was supposed to make gingerbread turkeys and pumpkin pies yesterday.

I am supposed to make 6 dozen crescent rolls today.

And as it turns out, I’m doing ALL of those things today. And there will probably be some carryover into tomorrow.

Dangit. Dangit. Dangit.

BUT, the laundry is well under way. I’ve cleaned my counter and reloaded it with the necessities for pumpkin pie.


The boy is SO going down for a nap as soon as this post is finished. I am eating healthy food and drinking lots of water to maintain my energy.


I will. I will. I will.

I bought yet another large container of Band Aids this week. We have a serious case of Band Aid abuse in this house. I made rules. I wrote them on the box. It amused me. I took a picture.


I went to a spinning guild’s fiber sale last night (I made the decision to go last week, thinking I’d deserve a break from all the Thanksgiving work I’d be doing, which clearly hasn’t been happening. I went anyway). I almost came home with a loom. Nate is thrilled that I didn’t, which probably explains why he seemed so pleased when I showed him these.


A pound + to spin,


And a pound to dye.

And then spin.

And I’m stuck baking.

Dangit. Dangit. Dangit.