Saturday, August 9th, 2008

Health Group- Year 5, week 9

Pretty good week for me. A lot of exercise, ate tolerably well. I’m able to lift light weights again. My physical therapist said that I can do it as long as the weight is light enough for 20 reps. So I’m doing my biceps, triceps, and some squats for my quads.

I need to be eating more protein, but I don’t want to eat more meat. I’m having a hard time figuring out how to do it. I was surprised that beans aren’t as much of a source of protein as I thought. They’re more of a carb, so eating beans doesn’t help much with my nutrient percentages. And I only like Tofu sliced thin and fried. So, that isn’t going to help. And I’d feel weird using more protein powder than I already am. It doesn’t seem like a great food “source”, but a respectable supplement, you know? I don’t know what to do.

But since I’m trying to build muscle, I need more protein.

How was your week?