Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

Still here

I’m still sick and so very, very tired. I’m getting better, slowly.

So, I have a couple pictures. First, I have these pumpkin plants that desperately need to be planted, but I don’t have a spot for them

Here’s the hexagon shawl with the added purple insert and beads

And I have some pictures of the finished alpaca scarf-

side 1

side 2

and a model shot

It’s off to the teacher now.

My sense of smell is starting to come back, and I’m picking up something extremely unpleasant. I’m not sure yet if it’s Clark’s diaper (I’m on one side of the kitchen, he’s on the other, on the far side of the dining room), some old rotting food somewhere it doesn’t belong, or if it’s merely pregnant nose, making a mountain out of a molehill.

I’m about to go investigate. Lucky me.