Saturday, August 14th, 2004

Health Group- week 10

The 20 pound mark continues to elude me. I’ve been 225 or lower many times throughout the last 2 weeks, but I only officially count Saturdays, and today I’m 225.5. One tiny little half pound.

So here’s my exercise accounting….

Monday, I did weights, physical therapy, and a 2 mile walk.
Tuesday, I did weights and physical therapy.
Wednesday, I went on another walk.
Thursday, I did all three again.
Friday, I didn’t do anything.
Today, I plan to do upper and lower body weights, and physical therapy. I’d like to get aerobics in as well, but the weights will come first, and we’ll see what happens from there.

I’m getting stronger. I love it. I’ve been feeling my quads for a long time, but now, I’m starting to see them. This is very exciting. I can feel the muscles in my arms, too. I can’t see them, but I can feel both my biceps and my triceps moving when I flex them. They may be buried, but they’re there, they’re strong, and someday I’ll be able to see them, too.

As far as food goes, I’m still doing very well. I should probably be eating more, but I think either the heat is suppressing my appetite, so I’m not going to force myself to eat, or I’ve been eating so healthily that my body doesn’t need more. I’ve been eating three healthy, moderate sized (for me) meals a day, with out snacking in between. I haven’t wanted more than that. I’m still drinking a ton of water. I keep forgetting to take my vitamins.

That’s where I’m at. How about you?