Tuesday, July 26th, 2005

The trouble with me is,

I frequently fail to step back and contemplate which option would take less time.

Option 1, frog cable mistake (see yesterday’s photos) and reknit.

Option 2, insane stitch surgery.

I am usually so excited at the prospect of performing some incredible feat of knit-fix, that I forget to approach it logically. Yesterday, I washed up, put on my scrubs (so-to-speak), and got to it.


I did a pretty darned good job of reconstructing the stitches on either side of the 6 that were supposed to be cabled.


See? Nice, no? Look at that 2 stitch knit rib on the left. Beautiful, I say. The only reason this is worth boasting about is because we are dealing with cotton. Wool is very accommodating, and jumps into place quite easily after being messed around. Cotton, is vengeful.

OK, so I got to the cable itself…


Looks good, doesn’t it? Well, in this case, the photo is lying. I did the cable THREE times, and couldn’t get it right. This final time, all seemed well until I started knitting back up, and realized that the center two stitches, despite my careful efforts, somehow managed to be KNIT stitches. They are supposed to be PURL stitches. I SWEAR I purled them! Humphf.

At that point, I realized I had been at it much longer than it would have taken to frog and redo, and if I continued trying, I could easily be at it that long again. Plus, being cotton as I mentioned earlier, and the fix being right at the top of the front piece, I figured I’d be much better off to rip and redo.

Normally, I would end this post with the throw away phrase, “Live and Learn”, but I have proven that in this particular situation, I don’t.