Monday, April 24th, 2006

Gorgeous day

It was amazing. Absolutely beautiful.

New carpet was installed in the girls’ bedrooms today, so we can unpack “for reals” now and establish proper places for things, removing any legitimate excuse for the girls when they leave their stuff all over the place, or can’t find things like socks. And pajamas.

Also, the really nasty smell that showed up each time the sun came through V’s window and hit the mysteriously discolored spot on the floor… is gone.

We’re very excited.

I feel like it’s getting to the point where I can take a deep breath, let it out slow, and get back to life. The move is done. The baby is born. I can eat again. The taxes are paid. The girls’ birthdays are over. Spring Break is over. Abigail’s baptism and the accompanying festivities are over. Nate is going back to a more regular work schedule, and work is picking up rapidly for him right now, so he’s going to be busy. Which is a return to normal.

I’m having knitting thoughts. Like, bibs for Clark, who is developing quite the little spit-up habit.

By the way, he’s 3 weeks old now-


and cute as a bug.

I make no promises that this will turn back into a legitimate knitting blog anytime soon, but I can at least visualize knitting without hearing a “yeah right” in the back of my mind.

But it might be delusion.