Tuesday, May 23rd, 2006

I need more time

Those of you who’ve been around here for awhile, or know me personally know that I like to do it all. And then some.

Since having Clark, I’ve been pretty content to lay low and let things be. To just do what I can and be at peace with the rest. I’m coming out of it and am starting to feel restless. Boxes need to be unpacked. Things need to be organized. I want to knit. I want to spin. I want to scrapbook. I want to take the girls out on adventures. I want to learn how to play the clarinet.

Ok, that last one is kind of silly. But I still want to.

I want my house clean. All of it. At the same time.

Sigh. I can’t do it all. I can do little more than feed my baby and make attempts at keeping up with the dishes, the laundry, the girls’ homework, and personal hygiene. This is such a difficult thing for me. I’m still really enjoying Clark. I like feeding and holding him, that’s not it. I just want to do everything else, too.


Ok, since the lack of pictures on my site is driving me insane, I’ll show you my little birthday present. My main gift for Mother’s Day and my birthday was a new stove and dishwasher. The ones that came with the house were fine, but a serious step down from the ones we left in the old house. Considering how much time I spend in the kitchen, it was becoming annoying. And the dishwasher here completely sucked.

Anyway, I didn’t get anything big for my birthday, but I’ve always wanted toe rings. So Nate and I went to Pike Place Market on Saturday, and I bought some.


Can you make out the design on the left? It was the only one like it, and I know it was meant for me! GOLDFISH, BABY!

And here’s the only picture we got of me and my cakes.


You’d better believe I got them all!