Wednesday, May 9th, 2007

Seed stitch and food

Why is it so hard to eat? The weekend was bad because I had a social dinner all three nights. So I went over my calorie target by a bit each night, but not nearly as much as I would have without the diet. And I’m learning. But then Monday came around, and I’m back to struggling to get enough. Dinner ends up being a big, calorie catch-up meal after eating almost nothing during the day.

This is ridiculous.

So I’m trying to focus on eating smaller, regular meals throughout the day again. It isn’t that hard, I just have to pay enough attention to the clock to notice when mealtimes come and go.

On the faroese shawl, I’ve finished wrapping up the pattern diamonds, and I’m just doing a few more rows of seed stitch before binding off.


I’m so excited. I want to get back to my Sea Silk Stole, the Uptown Boot Socks, and I need to get started on those fingerless gloves for Mary.