Wednesday, September 5th, 2007


I’m sick. It sucks. It came on suddenly last night, and I’m trying to drink a ton of water to avoid a full blown sinus infection.

Aside from that, I’m going to try to make drapes for our bedroom today.


We bought the fabric and hardware months ago,


and I’m finally getting around to it.

The tree in the photo came from the kitchenette in the basement that I finished painting yesterday. I need to clean out the corner, next to my bedside table, and that’s where the tree is going to go. Then I’m going to move one of my favorite pieces of art from the stairwell and hang it above our bed.

It’ll look groovy all together. With drapes. And trees. And stuff.

I think I’m going to make these drapes. I like the fold-over at the top.

Clark is grumpy. I think he’s a little sick like me, and he’s cutting top molars. That surprised me, as he only has 6 teeth.