Thursday, September 13th, 2007

My heart leapt in my chest this morning,

… when I looked out the window and saw this.



It’s beautiful.

I suppressed the ecstatic urge to run to my hats and scarves boxes, knowing that it’d soon burn off into a warm day. And when I went outside to photograph the lovely fog, it was warm outside. I didn’t know that was possible. I thought that scientifically, fog required cold to exist, but apparently not.

That being said. It’s coming. Fall is coming. Sweater, hat, scarf, and glove weather is coming. Candle, herbal tea, and felted clogs season is coming. Cozy season. Rainy season.

(Crap. We need to have our gutters cleaned so the garage doesn’t flood).

Spiders are everywhere. I know a lot of you hate them, but so long as they’re not on my body and I’m not walking face-first into their webs, I really like spiders. Even the huge, hairy, wolfy-guys that seem to love Nate’s office in our basement. Them, and the stripey, garden spiders that build webs right outside of windows are my favorite.

Nate’s been smashing the wolf spiders, (something I do not approve of), but when he recounts the tale, and how BIG the offending arachnid was, I remind him that it GOT that big by eating bugs. We don’t like bugs.

I had to laugh though when he said he threw a book at one last night because at the moment it startled him, he thought it was a mouse.

That’s a big spider.

Anyway, the fog made me happy. Enough to surprise me. We didn’t get much of a summer this year. August was mostly cloudy, which is very odd. And yet, the unexpected fog makes me sing. The only thing I don’t like about fall is that all of the beautiful trees behind our house lose their leaves. I love the mass of green right outside my windows. Well, the treebound green, anyway. The blackberries, morning glory, and stinging nettle that keep the kids from playing in the trees behind our house could all go away with my blessing.

Today is going to suck. I have many things to do away from home, and I need to get ready to fly out for the funeral tomorrow morning. I’m really excited to see everyone. It’s been a long time.