Monday, June 2nd, 2008

Hot monkeys

I swear, I didn’t set this up. Right now, Clark is cooking monkeys, and saying, “Hot monkeys. Hot monkeys.”

I’m glad the knobs are on the back of the stove, but I suppose it’s only a matter of time. He’s much more concerned with things being “real” than my girls were.

So, I ignored laundry last week, which means I have nothing to wear and tons to do. I’m going to get that started and then head out to the yard. Which reminds me, I had an enormous pile of plants on the walkway in the yard, and I put a sign out saying “Free Plants”, not really expecting anyone to take anything, but I figured it was worth a try. There’s only two left. We were out on our date on Saturday, and came home to almost everything being gone. I’m happy they’re gone, but I’d hoped to get a picture of the mountain of stuff I’d yanked out of the yard, and now I can’t.

I worked a lot on the shawl over the weekend.

I have 14 rows to go, plus the bind-off, and….

not enough yarn to do it. I have a plan, but I don’t know if it’s going to work.