Friday, June 20th, 2008

Hey, check me out!

I saw this over at Maggie’s blog and took the test.


As a 1930s wife, I am

Take the test!

And here I thought I was going to be bad. I cook in my pajamas, and “wear soiled dresses or aprons around the house”…. I thought I would fail for sure.

I wonder what Nate is?

So, Making progress on the house.

Here it was before I started

and here it is today.

The little roof in the center of the picture, over the front porch is coming down, which will help it to look even more tidy.

It’s really hard to see the magnitude of difference with that messy crap right in front, (the two yellow bushes, and everything in between). That will go too, at some point. I’ve mostly been working along the foundation to clear a path for the painter. Which brings us to the next thing.

Love it? Hate it?

It’s the exact color of a terra-cotta pot.

We’ve had the MOST difficult time coming up with a color scheme for the house. I think we’ll like this one. I don’t want to be obnoxious, but I don’t want to be drab, either. It’s still shocking, but I figure, anything’s better than dirty white and purple. Since we’re so ugly to begin with, the neighbors can’t complain too much. And not a single one of them that I’ve talked to so far has denied that it’s currently ugly.

I dyed more yesterday. Still having trouble. I’m taking some locks with me to Black Sheep to see if I can get help.