Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

Black Sheep

We’re back from a fantastic and busy weekend away.

We went to the Black Sheep Gathering for a few hours on Friday.

Everyone loved the sheep, but most especially it seemed, my 26 year old brother.

I bought my first spindle (It would be my ONLY spindle, if I didn’t hope to acquire a Moosie at some point)

It’s a Spindlewood mini, and it’s very cool. So’s the sweet Spindlewood lady, Connie

I also bought a pound of beautifully dyed and picked mohair locks

I ended up with most of the bag. (Second shelf from the bottom, middle).

Then we were off to Bend to visit my mom, where we packed more into three days than I would have thought possible.

Today, I have another dyepot going. It isn’t doing what I thought it would. Again. BUT, I’m not done with it yet. I started off by doubling the dye I used last week, but I think I had too much vinegar in there and it struck too fast and unevenly. So, I’m adding another half cup of dye, doubling it again.

We’ll see.

I’m ready to move on to another color though. It’s all been the same reddish pink so far.