Monday, March 23rd, 2009

You know something’s up when…

-You go from wanting nothing but Tuna sandwiches and chocolate milk for breakfast one day, to not being able to look at it the next
-Arby’s starts sounding yummy
-Your husband asks what you want to do for your weekly date and you say, “go to sleep?”
-You have to hold your breath while changing a diaper so you don’t puke all over the toddler you’re changing
-You have to hold your breath doing almost ANYTHING because the planet itself and everything on it has too much of a freaking odor to be tolerated.
-Despite the fact that you’ve spent the entire year kicking butt on the elliptical and thought you had achieved a relatively awesome level of aerobic health, you suddenly can’t get up off the couch without getting winded, and climbing stairs has you seeing stars
-No matter how much attention your poor husband gives you, it’s not enough and you just might give him what-for at any second for ignoring you these past 5 minutes
-Water, which is traditionally your beverage of choice, tastes like mucus
-EVERYTHING, for that matter, tastes like mucus
-You no longer have any desire or ability to socialize whatsoever because you have sour stomach 24/7 and can’t quite think of anything else to talk about
-Certain parts of the female body, which are already significantly bigger than they should be, swell even larger (is that even possible?) and hurt like crazy
-You are suddenly obsessed with getting a certain bedroom cleaned up, bunk beds assembled, and extra stuff purged, driven by fear that in a matter of weeks you won’t be able to do anything both because of the extreme loss in physical strength and stamina mentioned earlier, and an admittedly unrealistic fear that you’re going to turn into an elephant
-You’re left to wonder if you’re going to be in your 2nd trimester before the dumb doctor, who you haven’t even met yet, is going to have time to see you since she’s already bailed on your first appointment by being suddenly “out of town” and is booked for the next month
-You start avoiding people because despite the fact that it was intentional, and long awaited, you’re not exactly happy about it yet and haven’t been in the mood for congratulations. However that may be directly linked to having sour stomach 24/7 and being unable to think of anything else to say. Or look forward to.
-You write this crazy post because you HAVE to. Because you can’t post anything about your life anymore without addressing the fact that you feel crappy, and you’re tired of being vague and mysterious when people ask why you’re not posting.

This all having been said, we’re really very happy about our exciting news :-). I wasn’t sick with my girls. I had round ligament issues and sciatica, and I was very sensitive to smells, but I wasn’t sick. With Clark… all nine months, baby. I had to liquify my food after he was born to get my body used to digesting again. That was an exciting realization. Actually, it was creepy.

Nate wants a girl. He’s hoping that the sickness isn’t so much a “boy vs. girl” thing, but more a “pregnant in your 30s” thing.

I guess we’ll find out in a couple months or so when I hit 20 weeks and get an ultrasound.