Archive for June, 2004

Tuesday, June 1st, 2004

Yet another call for thanks

Wow, I now have a digital camera of my own! My husband’s cousin Elisa came by my house yesterday and gave me her old camera. Can you believe that? All I had to do was go out and buy one of those lithium AA batteries. Thank you Elisa! Now I can continue photographing for the blog, which makes blog reading so much more enjoyable.

Here is one of the first test shots I took yesterday.



Yesterday I sewed the little fuzzy I found in the almonds (see back a few days) on my red and orange marsupial pouch. It’s kind of cute, kind of schlocky, oh well.


You know, no matter how I look at it, even before I sewed it on, it looks like a rummy nose to me.

I also knit the icord for the Blue Tote.


I didn’t get a lot of knitting done yesterday. I was hoping the icord would mask that fact, but as I’m composing this, I see that it’s pretty obvious. My goal today is to finish the pouch and felt. I’m trying to decide whether to try a smaller version of the cable on the pouch flap, or just knit it straight. Hmmm, the suspense.