Thu Jul 26, 2007

Color therapy

Yesterday was hard. It was really hard. Harder, I’m sure because I’m not sleeping. I’ve spent enough time on the blog detailing exactly how much I’m not sleeping, so I’ll spare you, but once he woke up again at 12:45 last night, I just stayed up with him and slept as I could in my chair, with Clark on my chest.

I took him to the doctor this morning, and as I suspected, he’s clear. No infections, nothing to medicate. It’s good to know though, because at night when he’s screaming and won’t even let me touch him… well… tonight it will be comforting to know I’ve done what I could.

So on the way back from the doctor, we stopped by the Bead Hut, which was highly recommended by Ellen. I thought that if I bought something sparkly, I might feel better. So I came home with swarovski crystal beads to do the only thing I know how to do with them, make stitch markers.

A friend of mine has made a bunch of stitch markers recently, and it reminded me of how much I enjoyed making them. So it’s been on the brain. The problem is, I have absolutely no need for more stitch markers. I have oodles. But I have friends in need, so anyway, I bought beads. Then I ended up using the beads I had already.




I love the third set down. Total mid-century sci-fi, and way better in person than in photo. It was really funny looking up my own tutorial to remember how to do it.

The lady at Bead Hut said that if you buy your beads and sit at their tables, you can use their tools and they’ll teach you how to do whatever you want with them at no extra charge

(it is still my not-remotely-humble-opinion that yarn stores should adopt that attitude. I wouldn’t be knitting today if the first yarn shop I discovered all those years ago hadn’t been extremely generous with the help).

I asked if she’d teach me how to make earrings. She said, “absolutely!”

I’m in serious trouble.

They have lots and lots of sparkly things.

And now I’m off to meet Janell to pick up tickets to Stitch N Pitch tonight.

I’m never going to sleep again. I keep saying that, don’t I? I also haven’t eaten or drunk anything today. I’m truly not functioning.

5 Responses to “Color therapy”

  1. Monica Says:

    The stitch markers are beautiful, but REALLY you should be making earrings!! Take some sominex or whatever, for 3 nights running, have your wonderful hubby get up with the baby. The crying won’t bother him as much because he hasn’t got the hormones, and you’ll be a much better mommy for having the sleep, but I PROMISE you 1 night is not enough. Baby will be fine since you know there’s nothing medically wrong with him. Maybe he’s got night terrors or gas, but there’s nothing much you can do for either, and it’s good for him to know that Daddy loves him at night too. Sleeeeeeeeeep, sleeeeeeeeeep, you’re getting sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy………..

  2. Annie Says:

    wow pretty! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your green lace, wrap. It is truly a work of art! Oh and I agree with everything monica said too. Sleeeeeeeepppppppp. :0) and then call me when you wake up

  3. Katie - The Knitting Mama Says:

    Yes, I agree – you need to rest/sleep/take care of yourself! It was great to see you last night at Stitch ‘N Pitch – Thank you so much for those awesome stitch markers! I love the colors, and I can’t believe you gave me the ones you liked the most… You are so generous. I know I will treasure them! 🙂

  4. HAYDEN Says:

    Hi, again I say that your stitch markers are beautiful! Thank you again for my set. How did last night go, once you guys got home; did Clark wake up like you thought he would?
    See you Wed!

  5. Rippedoffknitter Says:

    I’ve used your tutorial to make my own stitchmarkers, like you it is the only thing I know how to make from beads, but I love both making and using them. (And I have way more beads now than I’ll ever need….) Thank you!

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