Wed Aug 18, 2004


Yesterday was quite a day. I took the girls to Golden Gardens park where we met my best friend from high school. We stayed there for a couple of hours and then headed back to her completely cool old house in the Ballard area of Seattle for a late lunch. We came home, quickly showered, and headed off to the slumber party my in-laws are having for all the grandkids. That is where my three little darlings are right now.

Last night, with our free from kids time, Nate and I had dinner with five of his siblings and then went to see the new Harry Potter at an IMAX theater in the Seattle Center by ourselves. Very, very cool. It was a good time. I was able to get a lot of knitting done both at the beach and at dinner. I also have a sunburn on the left side of my body everywhere that wasn’t covered by clothes. (You were right, Christine). I am really surprised. I was wearing cropped pants and a short sleeved shirt. It’s not like I had sun shy skin exposed. How aggravating.

Anyhow, here’s what I got done…..



This stitch is really pretty. I know I keep saying that, but it genuinely is. I’m so excited to start striping, which I get to do in a row or two. To answer a question from yesterday’s comments, the yarn is not doubled. I’m knitting into the front and back of each stitch, and then decreasing back down on the following row. I snaked the Right Twist feature from the Marsupial Tote pattern in the S’nB book to maintain the boxiness that I’m going for, and it is turning out beautifully. Hopefully tomorrow, you’ll get to see some stripes!

3 Responses to “Sunburning”

  1. FYRKRKR Says:

    That is REALLY COOL! I’m not sure what I am looking at… forgive my naivete…is this the hat? I LOVE the stitch! You’re going to have to show me that!
    Sunscreen! Sunscreen! Sunscreen! It is soooo very important! I won’t go into the nasty statistics – of which I am one of the LUCKY ones – but PLEASE… SUNSCREEN!

  2. Jessica Says:

    My husband and I are going to HP at IMAX on Saturday for our 10th anniversary. Do we know how to party or what? I’m worried about it though. He gets motion-sick pretty easily. My older son got really ill watching The Lion King on IMAX.

  3. Laura Says:

    Well, I only felt the motion sick feeling during the previews, and it wasn’t bad. After awhile, you get used to the screen and it doesn’t feel as weird. I think that the camera shots/angles also have something to do with it. If something is filmed FOR the IMAX screen specifically, they really play that up, and you get the motion shots that make you grip your chair. HP wasn’t so it wasn’t too bad. Good luck! Nate and I have been married for 10 years (last December), isn’t it great?

    Gayle, it’s Abby’s backpack.

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