Sat Aug 21, 2004

Health Group- week 11

I had a fabulous physical therapy appointment yesterday. I have many areas of pain, and they all seem to move around a bit, but the last two visits, my main discomfort has been in the same place, and yesterday, he nailed it. I’m so happy! So I have yet another exercise to add to my routines, but I don’t mind. It feels wonderful. Sometimes my visits with him are like having a personal trainer with a Masters Degree. I love it.

This week, unfortunately, was not the most active for me. Monday, I didn’t get any exercise in.
Tuesday, I did my physical therapy routines.
Wednesday, I did physical therapy and weights.
Thursday, I did all three. (PT, weights, and a 2 mile walk).
Friday, I ashamedly did nothing. (It was a very busy day).
But today, I’ve already gone for a walk, with a few spots of jogging tucked in for good measure!!!!! :-). Happy me! And I intend to do both upper and lower weights later on.

I seem to be cursed on Fridays. Yesterday morning, I woke up weighing 223.5! I was so excited. I figured (once again) that if I ate well all day yesterday and had a light dinner, I should be able to officially declare the 20 pounds lost this morning. Not so. One of my sisters-in-law are moving, and last night, the women of the family all went to Olive Garden for a “good-bye, we’ll miss you” dinner. Without kids. Many yummy appetizers were ordered, and the salad, and the breadsticks…… I hardly even ate any of my whole wheat pasta and meatballs. STILL, I came away overly and painfully full. I cannot remember the last time I ate that much food. So you can imagine how I was definitely not 225 or lower this morning. Pout.

Still plugging along. It doesn’t make much sense to me why I’m hanging out at a pretty constant 226 pounds, in light of all the work I’m putting in, but I can tell I’m getting healthier, feeling better, building more and more muscles….. OOH, THAT REMINDS ME!!! Hehe. I’m starting to be able to see the muscles in my upper arms! Can you believe that??? You probably can, considering none of you have lived with my upper arms for the last 29 years. I can’t believe it. Even before I freakishly gained all this weight 10 1/2 years ago, my upper arms were yucky and undefined. I never liked them. I still don’t. But, I’m starting to be able to see some definition in there. This is surprising, considering there is still an awful lot of fat on them, but nevertheless, I can see hints of muscle definition, and I can certainly feel it!

“Oh, what a beautiful mornin’,
Oh, what a beautiful day.
I got a beautiful feelin’
Ev’rything’s goin’ my way. ”

Bonus points if you know what that’s from. I still need to figure out how to get musical notes in my posts. I can’t find them anywhere.

4 Responses to “Health Group- week 11”

  1. Bliss Says:


  2. Jenny Says:

    Hi Laura!
    Gee, my week doesn’t look real impressive…..rain interference, and we don’t have an alternate exercise option when it rains. Last Saturday and Sunday we walked for 35 minutes each, Monday was 40 minutes of walking, Tues. 55 min., and Wed. was 35 minutes when it started raining. Thursday and Friday were completely rained out. I don’t know about later today. Last night I developed Big Trouble in Little Sinus (I know, a really bad pun!), and I don’t much feel like exercising, although my husband says that exercise will help clear stuffiness. We’ll see. I hope that it would help, cause missing out on exercise has resulted in less than wonderful weighing-in. This morning’s weighing recorded only 5 pounds staying off. Funny, the only extra I ate all week was last night, when I made zucchini bread for my husband’s train buddies, and I had a couple of slices. It apparently went straight to the main baggage department. We will have to come up with a place to walk, or something, for during the winter, since I need daily calorie burning just to maintain, let alone lose weight. Great news about your arm definition. In my family, my grandmother on my mom’s side of the family was famous (in the family) for her huge, flabby upper arms.
    I remember thinking I wanted to avoid all that when I grew up, haha! Jenny

  3. Laura Says:

    I think it sounds great! 5 days of exercise in a 7 day period? Good job!

  4. Laura Says:

    Bliss gets the bonus points! :-). Oklahoma it is!

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