Wed Oct 3, 2007

Ok, these are freakin’ groovy

Look at the life and depth I’m getting from this dark, skinny yarn.


This pattern rocks. They’re so soft. I love it.

I’m planning to write out the pattern, but for those of you who might be impatient, and since there has been some interest, I’ll tell you the basics.

The stitch pattern is in this book.


For the record, I think it’s an incredibly good book. There aren’t a lot of stitch patterns in it, compared to other stitch books out there, and some sections in their entirety don’t interest me much. What I like about it is that most everything in there is different. It’s not the same old stuff you see around everywhere. There are a number of unique, completely cool stitches. To me, that makes the book totally worthwhile.

So anyway, this book, page 16, top left. As I mentioned yesterday, I accidentally knit every patterned row twice, thinking that only the odd rows were charted. So instead of being 16 rows tall, my pattern is 32.

I’m using a 36 inch, size 4 bamboo needle so I can knit magic loop. I cast on 64 stitches with sportweight Frog Tree Alpaca, did 8 rows of 1×1 ribbing and started the stitch. I didn’t measure gauge, just held it up to my calf and decided how many repeats I thought would work, which turns out to be 4.


Since I like to use a good stitch when I find one, I’m thinking about seeing if I can’t make it into a hat, trying the 16 row version of the stitch. I’m interested in trying to do a 2 color hat, with the recessed purl stitches being one color and the raised stitches being another. Or perhaps all the purls one color and the knits another? I don’t know which would be better, which probably means I have a lot more swatching to do. And then there’s figuring out how to decrease while still keeping the pattern decent looking.

Yeah, lots of swatching. Which sucks. But man, I’m liking this stitch.

I’m not sure how long I’m going to make the legwarmers, but I’m going to keep knitting on them. I have 6 skeins, which is going to be more than enough yarn. So far, I’ve used up 1 skein and started the 2nd an inch or so ago.

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