Thu Oct 11, 2007

Mod legwarmers

My legwarmers are done!


But I guess that picture’s not exactly helpful.


I’m just trying to demonstrate that legwarmers can be worn without being obnoxious. A number of people, when I say I’m knitting legwarmers, raise their eyebrows and change the subject.

It’s not the 80s. They don’t have to be worn outside of pants. Come on.

If you, like me, want cozy legs this winter, and mod rectangles appeal to you, and you aren’t afraid of scorn and scoffing while knitting something called legwarmers

then this is for you-

Size 4 needles.

Sport weight yarn. (I used 3 1/2 balls of Frog Tree Alpaca, though the alpaca doesn’t stay up well).

Cast on 64 stitches, join into the round.

1×1 ribbing for 8 rounds.

Mod stitch pattern-

rows 1-6, (P4, K2, P10) 4x. Place stitch markers between pattern repeats.
rows 7-8, Knit
rows 9-14, (K2, P14) 4x.
rows 15-32, (K2, P2, K2, P2, K6, P2) 4x.

repeat these 32 rows 5x, then work rows 1-14 again.

Knit 8 rows of 1×1 ribbing, and bind off in rib pattern, moderately loose.

And you can join with me in defying stereotypes. One warm and happy leg at a time.


9 Responses to “Mod legwarmers”

  1. Monique Says:

    ok, much better. I was one of those with the lifted eyebrow. But I do like how you wear them. Just peaking out from the bottom of your pants, that’s cute.

  2. Monica Says:

    Me too. I think they are cute on you, but with my gigantic ankles these would make my ankles as thick as my waist, which is not the look I’m going for. 🙂 Besides which, I’m in Southern California and I’m not wearing legwarmers here unless they have rhinestones on them!

  3. Hayden Says:

    Oh, I LIKE THEM! Very much, they look great La, and your pattern is really cool. I’m glad you finished them.

  4. Stephanie Says:

    Those turned out great! I have been pondering making some leg warmers as well…especially since lately I’ve been freezing!!!! I might have to give these a whirl. And…OMG. I LOVE. YOUR. SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Lynnae Says:

    These are FANTASTIC!!! I ran into your blog looking for ideas on homemade christmas stockings. When I saw the photo that popped up I thought, “These are gorgeous!” (seriously, google images for ‘Christmas stocking’ and you’ll see)

    Anyway, I noticed it said you are in the Seattle area and I live in Tacoma (no, it’s not all ghetto) so I just wanted to say hello and that you have GREAT creativity. If you have spare time (hahahaha) feel free to check out my blog at:


  6. Marie Says:

    They look great Laura! What a gift you have!!!

  7. marian Says:

    Those are so cool. I must confess, I was one of those thinking, legwarmers, really? What a great idea. Thanks for posting the pattern; I’ll have to add these to the queue.

  8. Shiori Says:

    Hey girl!
    Those legwarmers look really great. I have been thinking about making some myself but worried about the whole 80’s thing. You wouldn’t believe how many pairs I had in those days! Your’s are better than any I ever had. Thanks for posting the pattern, too!

  9. Mallow Says:

    I love your blog! I found it from the link on Carrie’s knitting site. I am in love with these legwarmers, and have been inspired to try my own pair. I am half-way through the first one, and can’t wait to get them finished! I hope you are still feeling better. Post again soon so we don’t have to worry!

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