Fri Aug 27, 2004

Health Group- week 12

Sugar cookies. Coffee-less Frappuccinos. Late night grilled panini. Yup, yesterday must have been Friday. I didn’t realize until many weeks of writing Health Group that Friday’s seem to be a bit of a party day for me. Statistically, it’s been my worst workout day, and I seem to eat yummier things on Fridays than the rest of the week. Considering that, I think that Saturday is probably a really bad day to officially monitor my weight. However, I am stubborn, and will continue to do so.

This morning, I am still denied. 1/2 pound from being able to officially declare 20 pounds lost. Still, considering all things, I’m pretty stoked I’m 225.5. I would deserve a couple extra pounds this week, so I’ll take what I can get.

Monday, I did physical therapy and weights.
Tuesday, likewise.
Wednesday, the same, once again.
Thursday, I did nothing, justifying it by telling myself I’d make sure to do Friday and Saturday.
Friday, I did nothing, which blows my Thursday’s justification out the window.
Today, I hope to do both upper and lower weights, and manage to get aerobics in somehow. I’m not sure if any of that is going to happen. I am not feeling well. I’ve had headaches for a week and a half, and I’m having some serious discomfort in the left side of my low back. This is what kept me from working out yesterday, and it might affect today as well.

On a more positive note, I may have a lead on a treadmill. My sister-in-law has been wanting to get rid of hers because she, like me, wants an elliptical. It would be sooooo nice to have an aerobic machine here at the house so I could get aerobics in while the husband is at work and I’m here with the girls.

And now a bit about food- I’m still not eating very much because I’m still not that hungry. (You can just be quiet about yesterday. I don’t want to hear it.) There are a few schools of thought that I am aware of.
One, is that you should be constantly consuming healthy calories to keep your blood sugar steady.
Another, is that you need a lot of calories to enable your body to burn fat instead of storing it.
And then there’s the theory that the fewer calories you consume, the more your body will burn from fat stores. That last one, I know for sure, isn’t fail-safe. There are many other factors that contribute. I don’t know what to do. I’ve been hanging here at around 226 for awhile. I’m tired of it. I don’t know whether to eat more or less, or to continue to listen to my body and eat based on that.

Want to know what I am happy about? My cheekbones are more prominent and my neck looks taller and thinner. This is good.

So, how’s it going out there? The floor is now yours.

5 Responses to “Health Group- week 12”

  1. FYRKRKR Says:

    I know I am no example to look at and I have yet to make good on my pledge to begin the true journey to a healthier and thinner Me, but I have been pondering your situation for some time now, and have decided to thrust this out here on the Health Group forum, in hopes that I am not the only one that has knowledge of and/or has used this technique and therefore possibly stimulate some other discussion and feedback about it for you.

    I am thinking that, since you are (and I even hesitate to use the word “seemingly” because I know you “TRULY ARE” not just “seemingly” which is lame) you are doing everything right to change your body, and you are seeing some, but not a lot or as much results as you should, that perhaps you should try the aerobic breathing (fat-burning/weight-loss) techniques for a short period of time – perhaps 2 or 3 weeks for 10-15 minutes a day – and see if that kicks things into gear. You really have nothing to lose (er…that you don’t want to lose anyway…) and there is no threat of physical harm, other than perhaps laughing yourself silly the first few times you try learning them. I know 3 different techniques and I’d be happy to show you. I can also loan you a few videos if you want. I know when I did them in the past, I DID see results. I have been doing them in my car on the way in to work in the mornings recently and although I cannot claim any pounds disappearing, I have had a lot of people asking if I’d lost weight in the past 2 weeks. I may not be able to tell the difference, but at least that has made me feel good and motivated me to do it again the next day. Anybody else?

  2. Diane Says:

    I’m just proud of you for all your efforts.

    Whether they are specifically making a difference this very minute, you are adopting wonderful health habits. Keep up the good work, even if you aren’t seeing immediate results!

  3. LisaPrit Says:

    I think this is where I leave my weekly comment for HG. I gained 2 pounds this week and am creeping closer to the 200 mark. To be honest I have made no effort to reduce the amount of food I eat. I really do not want to get up to over 200 again. The time has come to do something!!!

  4. athena Says:

    regarding the amount of calories, you can check your basal metabolic rate here:

    this will tell you how many calories your body needs in order to function properly day to day.

  5. Laura Says:

    Gayle- show me how to do it.

    Diane- thank you so much!

    Lisa- I’m sorry to hear about your struggles, but WELCOME TO HEATH GROUP! Hopefully, we can help and encourage each other.

    Athena- thanks, I’ll take a look!

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