Sat Sep 11, 2004

Health Group- week 14

I did fabulous exercising this week, and I’ve put on a couple pounds. What’s up with THAT?!

So Monday, I did weights, physical therapy, and 50 minutes on the treadmill.

Tuesday, the same.

Wednesday, the same once again.

Thursday, I did 40 minutes of treadmill.

Friday, I did weights, part of my physical therapy, and 50 minutes on the treadmill.

It is so wonderful having an aerobic machine at home. I send Olivia off to afternoon kindergarten, come home, and jump on the treadmill while Veronica plays with marbles and such along side me in the garage. It works GREAT!


I haven’t been eating as well as I’ve been exercising unfortunately. That is undoubtedly why I’ve gained a few pounds. Grrr. Monday started with Krispy Kreme, and the rest of the week has been somewhere along those lines. It’s always something isn’t it? Please send some encouragement for next week!

That being said, we’re off to the Bite of Crossroads! It’s always better to start a diet on Monday, right? So this week is going out with a bang, and that’s OK. Nate and I went last night with some friends and left the kids. Today, we’re all going. It should be some wild and crazy fun!

How has your week been, fellow Health Groupers?

6 Responses to “Health Group- week 14”

  1. Jenny Says:

    Hi Laura! This week I managed to get in three days of walking for 50 minutes each. Two days were rained out courtesy of Former Hurricane Frances, I think one other night I was watching the hurricane on TV, and another night went to grocery shopping instead, so not a real great week exercising. Yeah, I had some trouble with eating also this week. I have stomach issues…..history of ulcers, acid reflux, hiatal hernia, and a tendency to get a sour stomach due to stress. Well, when my stomach hurts, I tend to view some things as potential soothers…like crackers, toast, milk, anything creamy, rather than take an antacid. One day this week, I started on buttered(!) crackers for my stomach, and one followed another til I felt guilty! I am also prone to eating cinnamon sugar toast for an upset stomach. So, I am still at 6 pounds total loss. THAT gets kind of boring when it stays the same for so long. But, I notice now, since I have been walking every week, that if I sit too long, I get antsy, and want to get up and move. My husband mentioned the possibility of a treadmill for the winter, but we shall see about that. I’m sure you will eat better next week, Laura! All that excellent exercising you did this week was fantastic! I’ve noticed that when I am just feeding myself, I am just a lazy eater!! I want to grab something quick and easy to eat, and that usually isn’t the healthiest stuff! I also went off my yarn diet this week, haha! I ran out to get yarn for doll hair (for the Best Friends Dolls) and also yarn for the Hallowig pattern on the new Fall Knitty.
    We’ll do better next week!

  2. FYRKRKR Says:

    Good job on the workouts! Maybe you just a little more salt (with those Krispy Kremes) and that is the difference… maybe you just have to gain some to lose some… Seriously, don’t get too stressed about a scale’s reading one week, if you are doing that much work, you are going in the right direction! Your muscles have probably just grown this week and that’s the real difference!!!! That is some incredible workout time!!!!

    I’m glad to hear you’re hanging in there! I was a bit concerned about you after reading your second entry last week. I’m glad to hear you have a good attitude and are not letting a little ‘tude from the hubby get you down. I have reflux, hiatel hernia, the whole deal, have you tried Prilosec? The stuff’s awesome. Especially if you take it everyday. Between the high pressure job, the extra weight, the bad diet, and everything else, I’ve lived on antacids for years; thank Heavens for some serious help. I don’t want to be on it forever but until I get things changed I will use it and it does stop the damage that GERD causes in the long term if you don’t control it. (That’s the long way of my saying – ask your doctor if you should try it) I am the worst at grag & eat foods. Very guilty!
    Well, Ladies, I am officially on vacation! We’re staying at home to work on the house. Hopefully we’ll accomplish a lot and in the process I’ll get my exercise space claimed! Wish me luck!!!
    Go girls!

  3. Jenny Says:

    Yes, I’ve been on Prilosec, and proceeded straight to Nexium! My Dr. told me that I only needed to use it short-term because it is a healer. After four months on it, he took me off of it, and although I was extremely leery of doing that, to my amazement I was much improved!! I have occasional break-though problems, but not often enough to make me want to go back on meds. I know before I got the reflux under better control that even my dentist was worried about my teeth ! Yes, I put on 20-30 pounds at the last job I had (not working now) because I did so much physical work and became so faint with hunger, and didn’t have much more time than to cram a snack into my mouth, and continue working. There’s a lot of high calorie things that fit into a pocket, haha!

  4. Laura Says:

    Good job, Jenny. I think that three days of exercise is great! I understand how you want to do more, but three is still wonderful. It keeps your momentum, you know? It also keeps your metabolism from crashing.

  5. pixie Says:

    dont pay attention to how much you weight, but to how your pants fit. Muscle weighs more then fat.

  6. Harriett Says:

    If you haven’t already — Go look at fluffa’s page! There you are!

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