Thu Sep 30, 2004

I continue to learn the same things about myself

I am aware of the fact that I hate contention, but it still surprised me last night when I couldn’t sit in the room while the presidential debate was on. I listened to it from the other room, but I couldn’t stand to watch.

During said debate, I worked on a mitten. I’m about to close it off and start the thumb, which is nerve wracking because this is my first time using the “afterthought” tecnique. Abigail wants a pair of mittens herself (although she won’t knit them. Or will she???). She thinks the V’s are hearts, and told me that she wants hearts and stars on hers. Hey Stephanie, how do I thrum stars?

Since I haven’t heard from either my mom or my sister, it’s probably safe to say that they haven’t been reading the blog. Perhaps the mittens will be a surprise after all. Who knew? OR, hehe, maybe I’ll keep them.

3 Responses to “I continue to learn the same things about myself”

  1. Jenny Says:

    I’m with you…..I couldn’t take listening to the debate at all. I kept changing rooms while knitting, trying not to hear it. Although……..I was working on my Hallowig….it is so much fun!! I am not working my thrummed mitten in the round, though I wish I was. I had trouble purling through the back loop of the thrum, and had to frog half a row of thrums. I decided that I can live with how it looks purling through the front loop. I keep wondering if my thrums are too big or not. I think they look the same as yours or Steph’s, but it seems so crowded!

  2. Stephanie Says:

    Thrum stars? Uh-oh. That’s right up there with my nephew’s request that I “drive like an apple”.
    Good luck.

    Jenny…crowded is a good word for thrummed mitts. The finished width of a thrum should be about the same as your yarn.

  3. Maggie Says:

    Years ago when my next-door neighbour’s kid was 3, my dad entertained him by blowing smoke rings. The kid then demanded triangles. I still think that’s extremely funny.

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