Sat Mar 1, 2008

Health Group- Year 4, week 34?

I’m guessing we’re in week 34. I know we missed a couple of weeks with Madrona and Mid-Winter Break.

I’m feeling better so far today, but it’s still early. How are you all doing?

Like I said yesterday, I’ve been working on it this week. I quit sugar, and have exercised and drank a lot of water every day. I’ve been tracking my food in Calorie King, but have had a tough time being consistent. For the week, I’ve averaged out just fine, but I’ve had high days and very low days. A couple days, I was 500 calories under my target, and I just didn’t want any more food. Other days, I went a couple hundred over.

No wonder my body is such a wreck. I seem incapable of taking adequate care of it.

Anyway, I’m considering this a good week, and while I dreamt of eating canned fruit in heavy syrup last night, I’m determined to make it through the weekend clean. Next week, I get to start juicing my wheatgrass which will help the cleanse.

And on a completely different topic… I had something verified at Madrona that I keep forgetting to tell you.

In my Short Rows class, the lady sitting next to me had taken the Make It Fit class that I couldn’t get into. I asked her what the most valuable thing she learned was, and she talked about armhole shaping, which was what I needed to hear. She said that the teacher said that everyone, no matter their size, has a 3 1/2 to 4 inch shoulder.


I couldn’t resist, I had to measure myself right there and then, and as I suspected, my shoulder is freaky small. It’s 2 1/2 inches. 2 1/2 tiny little inches of shoulder. That’s all I’ve got. I’ve always known my shoulders were extremely small, because I can’t keep a purse or bag strap on them to save my life.

It. Won’t. Stay. Up.

Never has.

I can never find clothes that both go around my bust and fit correctly in the shoulder. So this was good to know. It confirms what I suspected, that I’ll need to modify sweaters that I make for myself. Changing the armhole seems doable enough, but then subsequently altering the sleeve cap, well, there I’m not so confident.

Remember back a few years ago, when I was fitted for a bra and the lady had a hard time with me because I was too long in some places and too short in others? (I think it was a short armhole and long ribcage, or the other way around, I don’t know). And now my shoulders are significantly smaller than everyone else’s…

I’m abnormal. But I guess I knew that. :-).

How was your week?

7 Responses to “Health Group- Year 4, week 34?”

  1. Stephanie Says:

    Awww…we’re all abnormal in our on freaky ways aren’t we?

    I applaud you with your sugar resistance. I have made a pact with my daughter to restart our diets fully on Monday. I just keep feeling more and more tired and gross. I need to exercise and I know that once I get started I’ll be fine…it’s just the getting started part I’m having issues with.

    I’ve never tried wheat grass…..hmmm….maybe I should! Do you have to have a special juicer? I have a regular juicer and also a vita-mix blender. I love both of them but don’t now how they would handle wheat grass. What do you use?

  2. Monica Says:

    When you measure your shoulder is it from the neck out? I’m nearly 5″ there, and my back neck to waist measurement is about 19″. Maybe you and I could do a body slam or something and mix things up, and possibly come up with 2 normal bodies. I have to add 2″ to the lenght of most sweaters. I have to remove the belt loops on every bathrobe I’ve ever bought and drop it 2″. It’s irritating, but good to know. I am leery of knitting patterns that don’t give those finished measurements.

  3. Grandma Says:

    You say you are abnormal – well, I like you just the way you are – so don’t be “normal.”

  4. Grandma Says:

    You say you are abnormal – well, I like you just the way you are – so don’t be “normal.”

  5. Kristel Says:

    Ooh, for once I can post to health group with good news! I got doctor’s orders to take long walks and keep a food diary, and I actually lost half a kilo of weight last week. And I feel a lot better, more energetic. 🙂

  6. Willow Caroline Says:

    Abnormal? HOw about unique, one of a kind. Abnormal implies something damaged, not right. One of a kine, unique sounds more like a treasure.

    Sugar is my nemesis too. I have been trying some yogilates and working on doing it three times a week. Did well for 2 weeks… and then a busy week hits, where I really don’t have time to pee or brush my teeth, much less exercise…. and so nothing this week. But, next week is a new week. Water and exercise for this week….that is my goal.

  7. annie Says:

    So I haven’t posted for health group for a while either.
    Well my health goals are still on track. I am still trying to secure my place in the 140’s. Taking Karate class 2-3 times a week and lifting free weights 2x a week (small weight lots of reps) is helping. I am also dieting. Trying to kick start into the summer. I WILL wear that cute swim suit!!!!! And be toned and slender while playing my summer shows. I made the mistake of letting Freddie go shopping at the grocery store though. He came home with nacho cheeze Doritos (my weakness) powdered doughnuts, 2 different kinds of ice cream, and many other snacks. I’ve been strong and avoided that cupboard 🙂 Keep up the good work ladies!!!

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