Thu Mar 6, 2008


That’s what Clark says when he sees a carpenter ant in our house. He got it from the girls, but it’s incredibly cute when he says it.


We have ants. They’ve been sprayed, but we’re waiting around for them to actually die. I’m vacuuming them up by the hundreds.


It’s disgusting.

It took a lot more of yesterday than I’d anticipated, but the purple shawl is done and is soaking right now.


I’ll pin it out later this morning to dry before the girls get home, then I’ll bag it up with the other one for a month or so. But I’ll sneak a photo shoot in somewhere.

So what’s next? Well, I still have the third to do, but I haven’t decided which pattern to either use or write, and I still need to acquire some smooth laceweight to do my testing.

My brother’s scarf needs to be finished, and although he’s whining about how it’ll be warm outside before it’s done, I’m not feeling that motivated. But it’d be nice to have it off my plate.

There’s the shawl for me that I’ve started, but I’m having second thoughts. I think I need to knit a bunch more on it before deciding if it’s the right yarn for the job. The bummer is, I finally got that wretched circular start right, and I hate for all that effort to go to waste.

There’s Liv’s cable sweater, which doesn’t have a prayer’s shot of being done before the sweater season is over, particularly because I’m going to rip most of it before starting again. (I was cutting too much length).

The handspun for Clark’s sweater still needs to be dyed and then knit. So that’s looking like a “next year’s” sweater, too. Dangit.

Then there’s any number of things, the Philosopher’s Wool included, that I’d like to knit for myself, but I need to get through my knitting chores/commitments/obligations first.

Short answer? I have no idea. I’ll probably be working on Sam’s scarf for awhile, since I won’t have to think on that one.

And to come full circle, I set my oven to self clean this morning and it stinks. I have a headache.


4 Responses to “Ewwwww!”

  1. hayden Says:

    Oh, I’m sorry to hear that you have an ant infestation! I hope your sprayperson got them all, nest and everything, so you don’t have to go through this again!

  2. Stephanie Says:

    Eww is right. I feel for you. When we bought out house and moved in…our inspector somehow missed the carpenter ants. MISSED IT! I know all too well the ewwww factor. Give it 24 hours and they’ll all be dead. But yes…eww. Good luck on the knitting front. It sounds like you have a lot to do and you’ll be busy for a while 🙂

  3. Katie Says:

    Oh yuck, ants are icky… I really need to clean my oven too, but I think I’ll wait until the weather is a bit warmer so I can open all the windows and take the kids out of the house for most of the day. Those fumes are nasty!

  4. =Tamar Says:

    Carpenter ants by the hundreds? sounds like they’re swarming. You need to find the nest and remove it, and replace the wood with solid wood. I heard that some places have sniffer dogs trained to find the nests.

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