Mon Oct 4, 2004

I’m not going to try to hide it

I did nothing yesterday. No knitting, whatsoever. I did spend a lot of time surfing the net. I indulged myself. Do you want to know what I was looking at? Well…..

Here’s a link, and here’s another. Yup, rabbits and spinning wheels. Let me tell you how productive I felt at the end of the day. Right.

So I’m browsing through the many books I purchased at the warehouse sale on Friday, and I see this cute picture in Beyond Wool.


The reason this stands out to me at this time is because thanks to Stephanie and her schnazzy thrummed mittens, I’ve been handling beautiful, soft roving for days on end. It’s been seducing me. I’ve been thinking about spinning again. I know that in a recent post, I poked fun at my brief bout with spinning, but that was before I spent several days THRUMMING MITTENS and handling the stuff. It beckons.

So I’m reading about cute and fluffy house bunnies, and I think, “ooh, I could grow my own fiber without even violating my neighborhood’s zoning laws. Cool.” Keep in mind that I don’t own a spinning wheel, and have only ever handled one for a few days, over a year ago. Also note that when I gave it back, I had no intention of ever touching one again.

Surprisingly, Nate was supportive. (I tell you, he’s amazing. I even told him I wanted multiple bunnies). However, he has conditions. If the bunnies come, the dog goes. Hardly fair, I know. (I won’t go into it now, because it would take many, many paragraphs to adequately educate you, but trust me when I say that my sweet husband is completely justified in wanting to be rid of the dog. My trainer’s fiance has even said that he wouldn’t have kept at it this long).

Towards the end of the day, I came to my senses and realized that before purchasing and housing fiber-makers, I should further investigate whether or not I would really enjoy spinning. If anyone has leads or helpful info on spinning wheels….. Ok, enough of that.

Want to see what else I’m dreaming about? This one is in Irresistible Knits.


I don’t know why. It isn’t my style. I have never worn anything like it.

I love it.

I’m thinking a deep, mossy green would be lovely. In case you can’t tell, it is a jacket/cardigan over a separate ribbed, mock turtleneck. I would definitely need to be thin. That is note going to be a slimming sweater by any stretch, and it’ll take 10 years to knit one big enough to go around me, but I like it, and I can fantasize.

I hope to make much progress on mom’s sweater today. I also hope to ignore the computer, exercise, lift weights, cook, de-bone and then stew a chicken, do laundry, feed and interact with the children, wash 30 or so buckets, prepare material for a class I’m teaching on Thursday, make a myriad of phone calls, clean clean clean…… am I forgetting anything? Oh yeah, and I want to spin.

4 Responses to “I’m not going to try to hide it”

  1. Diane Says:

    Laura – you deserve the sweater, no matter how long it takes to knit!

    Hestitating mind wishes to suggest however, that all the cable work might vanish optically in a dark yarn…wouldn’t it be a shame to do that much work and not have it show?

    Anyway, this is just another of the *#@&ing reasons to swatch.

    I hate to swatch. I like to make large rectangular shawls and just deal with whatever size they become.

    The thummed mittens are things of beauty!

  2. Laura-M Says:

    “Fine, but you have to get rid of the dog,” has been the answer to SO many questions at my house. It must be in that book they give all the husbands that we wives haven’t read but know it exists because there are times when they all act so uncannily similar 😉 Your Nate gets credit for being serious; my husband just uses it as a bargaining tactic because he knows I’m emotionally incapable of giving up our dog 😉

  3. Amy Says:

    Ooo Bunnies make the most delightful housemates, but your Darling man is right, but wait until after you’re done having a dog. Its simply wrong to put a rabbit in the house with both children and dogs, especially Angoras that don’t get any conditioning in their ‘before’ lives. I live with an Angora house rabbit (His name in Julius, we call him Muffin) and he’s the best. Go to the ‘’ (HRS) website and learn about keeping bunnies as companion animal, they DO NOT belong in a Hutch, (also I reccomend spinning Angora on a drop spindle…)

  4. Laura Says:

    Diane- Thank you. As for the color, I wouldn’t go too dark with the green.

    Amy, I totally want bunnies. I’d like three, actually, and keeping them in a hutch seems wrong to me too. Particularly stuck in the garage where it’s dark and they can’t even see the sky. Thanks for the link!

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