Mon Mar 24, 2008

The wind down

My mother-in-law is sick. She thought she’d be better for Easter dinner, but wasn’t, and called on Saturday afternoon to take me up on my offer to host for her. So, Easter wasn’t very relaxing, but it was extremely fun. There were a few times, when I’d pause from bustling about, that I thought I should really get a picture of things like the pretty table surrounded by family in casual conversation, Ray and 5 of his sons hiding 150 plastic eggs in our very small, basement family room for the 9 cousins to find, Nate and his brothers sing/screaming along to “You Give Love a Bad Name” by Bon Jovi, various living room scenes… but I admit, sadly now, that instead I just took a breath and enjoyed the moment.

So I’m taking it easy this morning. The sun is out, briefly I’m sure, and Clark is in a bad mood. He’s a little sick and it’s not the cute, cuddly kind of sick, it’s the grumpy, whining, everything-I-do-is-wrong kind of sick. So I’m feeling a bit self indulgent and wanting to make the day as pleasant for myself as possible. My elbows are s-l-o-w-l-y getting better. I haven’t knit a stitch in over a week. I haven’t practiced my guitar much at all and my lesson is tomorrow so I need to get on that.

On Saturday afternoon, we played around with the equipment that enables us to play and sing and record into Garage Band on the computer. We came up with some very fun, silly songs. I’m going to keep working with it so I can at some point post a song here. I’m not sure how to do that yet.

I really don’t like picture-less posts. I’ll try to do something photo worthy today.

Oh, wait, I found some. I did manage to get pictures of our very first ever egg dyeing session. I had 6 or so dye kits that I’ve bought over the years with the intent to dye eggs with the kids, but we never actually got around to it until this year.

My house is a mess. Mom, don’t look.





And here’s a shot of all the (old enough to hunt eggs anyway) cousins down in the basement with their oh-so-festive grocery bag easter baskets.


You do what you can do. Happy Easter!

2 Responses to “The wind down”

  1. Sara Iverson Says:

    I’m glad you had a good easter. I’ve actually collect 3 egg dying kits myself over the years, buying one every year with the desire to die eggs and don’t get around to it. We finally used one this year as well, thanks to Paul. Enjoy your Monday!

  2. Stephanie Says:

    LOL! We used grocery bags as well. This year was just one of those years for it I guess! It sounds like you had a good time 🙂 Ours was mellow. I just wish I could get out of the funk I’m in at the moment. BLAH! I don’t even feel like knitting. Ever get like that? Ugh.

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