Wed Oct 6, 2004


Alright, here’s the deal….. Olivia has another birthday party to attend. It’s on Saturday. In an effort to save time, I started this scarf…


and it is scary. Nate likes it. I think it has the potential, and I use that word cautiously, to turn out decent once it’s finished and I’ve trimmed the whole thing. It is also possible that it will be even worse when it’s done, and I’d be better off starting a doll right now. In my defense, the pattern I’m loosely following is really cute. This is one of those times, however, when “loosely” isn’t looking to be good enough. I also resent the fact that this contraption will be my first scarf. (Yes, there is the daisy swatch, but for some reason, that doesn’t count).

Maybe I’ll start a doll, and finish the scarf later for one of the girls. Who am I kidding? If I put it down now, I’ll never touch the thing again except perhaps to FROG it!

As of this moment, I seriously have no idea what I’m going to do, or what little Brooke will be receiving for her birthday. (Side note- she has ribbons in her hair EVERY SINGLE DAY!! I’m not kidding. Because of this, Olivia asks for ribbons in her hair NEARLY every day. In the end, she gets them maybe once in a two week period. Brooke must be an only child, and if she isn’t, I don’t want to know.)

2 Responses to “Yikes!”

  1. Jenny Says:

    Wow! You really have been in a birthday party crunch since school started! Even though it puts you in a bind, I know the rest of us enjoy seeing your dolls! I had to laugh about the girl with the ribbons in her hair! When I was in high school, I wore ribbons in my hair everyday! I had a whole wardrobe of different colors and textures to match all my clothes. And I washed them and ironed them, and hung them neatly. They were an accessory all right!! Did you make any decision about working at the LYS on Fridays? How great that would be, surrounded by all that wonderful fiber and patterns, AND dispensing knowledge!!Woo-hoo!

  2. Laura Says:

    I think I’m going to start in a week. I don’t know how long it will last. The kids are going to be with me for a portion of the time, before Nate gets home, so we’ll see how accommodating they are. It should be fun.

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