Sat Apr 12, 2008

Health Group- Year 4, week 40

Wow, the weeks are flying by. I only managed a walk this week.

So my friend Rachel is coming over on Monday afternoon to talk to me about the Focus Diet. Have any of you heard of it or had any experience with it? She lost over 40 pounds on it, and she said it’s kind of a trial and error sort of thing to figure out exactly what my particular body needs to eat and needs to avoid because everyone’s body is different. That rings some bells to me.

She’s a personal trainer at a local gym, and I’m thinking about joining and taking some pilates classes, something I’ve never done before, but have been interested in.

I’ve been wanting to do something different, to freshen up my attitude and outlook, and hopefully, this week will get me going.

How was your week?

3 Responses to “Health Group- Year 4, week 40”

  1. Katie Says:

    My week was better than most – I’ve started the points again, although today was a complete blech in that department. I had banana cream pie, a mocha, a Slurpee, and a Blizzard – Is that over-the-top or what? Oh well, tomorrow is a new day…
    Pilates is cool – I’ve been doing it at the YMCA as well as Yoga and it’s been great for toning and strengthening muscles. Yoga will even make me break a sweat on occasion… but I really should add some cardio. Now that we’re all over the colds I need to start back up again anyway, so I’ll plan to re-vamp my schedule this week. Good luck with the new diet!

  2. Stephanie Says:

    Slurpees aren’t a food group? I thought they were. I know I’ve had a slight addiction to them the last few weeks. Is that so bad?

    Ugh. I also sprained my ankle this morning so I am out of commission for…oh…everything. It’s not like I was actually exercising yet but I have been feeling soooooooo gross lately that I have really wanted to get back on track. Now I have to wait another few days. Oh well. Maybe I’ll go get a slurpee instead 🙂

  3. carol gilchrist Says:

    I did better this week. I am calorie kinging it again, and keeping track more than dieting of course. Just wanna make sure I am getting enough of the right stuff for the jellybean. I haven’t gained a pound, lost a few actually thanks to the hell that has been morning sickness. I plan on just maintaining my current weight by being active thru the summer and paying attention to what I eat. It worked with Aiden. I wanted to do Prenatal Pilates, but resources out here are a wee bit thin.

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