Mon Jun 16, 2008

Another step towards dyeing

I’m finally making my dye stocks.

It’s taking awhile, because I only have one pot to do it in,

and it isn’t great. (There’s space under the rim that dye gets into when I pour it into its container, and then it leaks back out, slowly, over several minutes). So I’m going to buy a new pot after this batch is done.

I’m so excited. One more step closer to actually dyeing. It’s been, what, a year now? Maybe more?

On Friday night, we took the kids up to the drive-in to watch Kung Fu Panda.

It was really cold, and really fun.

3 Responses to “Another step towards dyeing”

  1. Maggie Says:

    We also love the drive-in! When it’s just the two of us, we sit in the car, but when we have Alex with us, the three of us sit outside like you guys, blankets if it’s cold, with the trunk of the car open behind us so we can hear the movie over the radio.

    About your dyestocks…do your dyes require boiling first? The way I make mine is to put the amound of dye I want (1-4 tsp. depending on the colour and depth of shade that I want) into a mason jar, along with a couple of tsp of citric acid. I put these jars in the sink and pour boiling water (from the kettle) into each one, just a little, so that I can stir them up into a paste, then I add more boiling water, to dissolve the dye as best I can. Then I fill the jars the rest of the way with cold water, to cool off the stocks, and pour them into my 1.5 L plastic bottles. I usually do 3 at a time and it goes really fast. I can do 9 in less than an hour.

  2. Willow Caroline Says:

    Good luck with the dyeing. Had to laugh at all of you wrapped up in woolies… here we have had the earliest hot weather ever… and our 90+ degree days have already gotten tedious. By evening, it is tiresome to be wearing clothes at all, LOL.

  3. Stephanie Says:

    We almost went on Friday night! We usually go down to the Valley 6 drive in but I liked the double feature up there. So hopefully we’ll be going this weekend.

    Oh..oh oh….where did you get the dyes from? I *finally* got my wheel and have tons of undyed fiber that I want to dye and spin or spin and then dye etc. etc. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!!!

    Isn’t the weather such a tease? Yesterday was gorgeous and today….cold and drizzley again. UGH!

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