Sat Jun 28, 2008

Health Group- Year 4, week 50

Good morning.

I’m in the process of working out a plan. I need to plan dinners better and keep healthy food around to snack on.

I’m gaining weight and it’s bugging me. I’m spending too much time playing, and not enough time on my health. So I’m also thinking that I need to exercise in the morning so I can get it out of the way and done.

And I’m dehydrated again.

How are you doing?

2 Responses to “Health Group- Year 4, week 50”

  1. Danielle M Says:

    I’ve left my planning up to, lately. Its nice having an easy to shop from menu all planned out!

    I’ve found that not having to think about dinner has helped greatly. It hasn’t helped too much with weightloss, but at least I feel better about the healthy quality of our meals!

    I need to start exercising more regularly. Hopefully, I’ll get back on that wagon, this week. 🙂

  2. Kate Says:

    Hi.. I read you regularly but never really comment. I make a TON of casseroles and healthy well balanced meals for my bf and I: enough to feed a big family and it makes planning ahead easy. Email me if interested in recipes.

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