Sun Oct 24, 2004

It must be Autumn

I have only recently discovered that I can wear browns.* I guess I’m going a bit nuts. You remember what I bought a couple weeks ago? Well, look at what I came home from the knitting group with on Friday night.


Mmmmmmm. I feel cozy now. The far left is Encore I intend on using for another one of my hats. (PS- pattern coming, I’m getting close!). (PSS- Nate is on one trying to name the thing. Send help). The middle two are a lace-weight yarn that I found on the discount rack that I have pegged for the Flower Basket Shawl. And finally, Koigu. Now, I know there are online knitters that think that Koigu is overused on the blogs. Whatever that means. I myself have never owned the stuff, this is my first time, and I couldn’t be happier. It is gorgeous, and I am going to make myself some socks. I bought two different yellows, and I’m going to stripe them. I choke a bit at the thought of a $20 pair of socks….. anyone that has a good justification for that, feel free to share. Mine is that I didn’t actually pay for this yarn, as I’m “working” for barter, and adding two hours of knitting group to the many other hours it will take to actually knit them seems like nothing.

My friend Heather is going to be vacationing in Prague this week, and I believe she’ll be in Budapest as well. She is looking for yarn stores to visit. If any of you are close to or familiar with that area, and can recommend some points of interest, please either email me, or leave the info in today’s comments. Thanks.

*I realize that I am pushing 30 years old, and should know my colors by now. However, throughout my life, my hair color has experienced more transformation than “the artist formerly known as Madonna”. While my current hair color supports wearing fabulous browns and oranges, it is new to me. I’m hoping this one lasts a long time. I’m loving it.

6 Responses to “It must be Autumn”

  1. larissa Says:

    I have a perfect justification (I’m also currently making koigu socks…) Knitting is hard work, and you are going to spend hours on these socks. They should be made of something wonderful that you enjoy using, and they should be beautiful when finished, far more beautiful than any sock you could buy for $6.99. Plus, getting superwash merino socks at REI is at least $12, so you only spent $8 more for the joy of it.

    Will that work for you?

  2. FYRKRKR Says:

    I am a queen of justification when it comes to buying clothes, shoes, scarves, hair accessories, or just about anything pertaining to fashion. Since you got me knitting, that now encompasses yarn! I realized it was getting out of control when I bought an organizer to use for make up and realized an entire drawer was needed just for my lipstick. Sister, if you want help justifying a yarn purchase to keep those feet of yours warm that you refuse to put slippers on yet complain that they are cold, you have come to the right girl. Enjoy your socks! You make lots of beautiful things for other people, it has been a long time since you made your gorgeous red shawl, you deserve some new socks. Let’s just hope that Abner doesn’t eat them!

  3. heather Says:

    justification? what’s that? is that where you have to justify (ie, explain) why you did something? yeah, we twisted knitters don’t believe in justification. we dare people to ask us to justify. bah.
    and thanks for asking if anyone knows of any. i’m going to do some more searches today…here’s to crossing my fingers!
    oh, hi Gail!!!!!!
    and it sounds like you need to eat before working out. just my 2 cents…

  4. Jessica Says:

    I’m loving the browns too.
    Th Flower Basket Shawl has been calling my name too. To the point that I picked up the yarn and actually considered casting on last night at 1 AM after posting the pictures of Rogue. It’s a sickness I tell you…

  5. Kristin Says:

    This is how I justify my Koigu purchases (I’m working on Charlotte!): I say, “Self, you are not addicted to cocaine. Way to go! Have some Koigu!”

    That pretty much covers all the bases.

  6. Laura Says:

    Great justifications, girls.

    Jessica, I’ll be checking your blog for shawl pics.

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