Tue Oct 26, 2004

It’s fun around here

First of all, I want mom to know that I am working on her second sleeve and have begun cabling.

Secondly, Nate is knitting. You heard me right, the man is knitting. Currently. As I’m typing this. In fact, I’ve been interrupted several times by a call for help from the other room. (He’s not overly patient, either).

I’ll try to make a long story relatively short. Basically, while at Hilltop two Saturdays ago, Nate spotted some Rowan R2 Rag yarn. He liked it. He’s been secretly thinking about it ever since. At the last possible second last Saturday evening, he decided that he needed some. We tried our best to get there before they closed. We weren’t even close. So Monday, he went back.


(Me: “Oooh, is it for me?”
Nate: “Um, no.”)


Monday night, he swatched,


declared that he hated flat knitting on circular needles (which is what I had in the size he needed), and yesterday, went out and bought himself some size 15, 13 inch straights. That’s not all. He made a schematic.


He’s making up a pattern. Fortunately, he’s knitting for Veroncia. This is a good thing, because it is $10 a ball for 27 yards and neither of us thinks he has enough. My question is….. “Who’s yarn budget is this coming out of?”

Finally, look at what he came home with last night.


What in the WORLD are we going to do with this?

13 Responses to “It’s fun around here”

  1. Megan Says:

    Part of me wishes my husband would knit and the other part of me remembers that if that were to happen, he might actually want to use some of *my* yarn or perhaps even worse–buy yarn for himself.

    I shudder at the thought…

    I love the poster by the way. I don’t have any ideas for what to do with it but it is really cute. 🙂

  2. Diane Says:

    There are none more blessed than those of us with loved ones who believe in us.

    Sometimes they believe in us more than we believe in ourselves. This, I believe, is grace at work in our lives.

    I’d take it to the store owner, with a laugh, and as long as she is willing to sell yarn at 10% off, see if she wants to post it.

    Be sure to carry green knitting at all times so that you are recognizable!

  3. Diane Says:

    P.S. Did you have fun last Friday night? Did folks come?

  4. hanne Says:

    I would like my husbond to love knitting, when I knit. He couldn’t resist buying the whole store if he was the one knitting in this family. And for the poster… use it as a doorsign, on your front door and be proud!!!! ( or a blanket for a very!!! hot night)

  5. Paula Says:

    What a sweetie your hubsand is designing such a fab poster.

  6. Laura Says:

    Thanks, ladies.

    Diane- that was beautiful, thanks. Yes, Friday was a blast.

    Hanne- I know what you mean. I have NEVER bought yarn that expensive before, and this is his first project. As a matter of fact, I don’t think I’ve made any project that is going to end up costing as much as the one he’s working on. What a stinker.

  7. FYRKRKR Says:

    More Awesome!
    Awesome! You get to go again!
    Totally Awesome!
    His of course!!!
    Amazingly, outrageously, I love it…AWESOME!
    Have you autographed it yet? I have a Sharpie if you need to borrow one.

  8. Jessica Says:

    I just showed it to my husband pointing out that this is the competition for “Best Knitter’s Husband.” His response? “Yup, I suck.”

  9. Cindy Says:

    So jealous you have a hubby knitting! Tell him he is The Man!

  10. ricki Says:

    fabulous poster! if I lived in Washington, it would get me to Columbine Yarns on Friday nights…

  11. Kerstin Says:

    Wow, that makes my husband’s gift to me of At My Knits End stationery and business cards look, um, stingy? 🙂 What an awesome husband! (My husband once asked me to teach him to knit. I told him to get his own hobby. He’s not digging into my stash!)

  12. Niki Nelson Says:

    What a nice hubby to make you that poster. I think it looks great! I would definitely come if I lived in the area.

    I wish my husband knit. Then he could be making a sweater for me while I spend all of my time making his!

  13. Laura Says:

    Kerstin- Stingy? Not at all. I’ve been asking Nate for calling cards for months. I still don’t have any. As far as getting his own hobby…. He collects and reads comic books, and has for over 20 years. He also collects the accompanying statues, action figures, and original art. This knitting thing is short lived, I’m sure. He simply found a yarn that interested him. (And he finds knitting relaxing, which the poor man desperately needs to do). I think my stash is safe. Nate is more interested in wacky stuff. I prefer luxurious and traditional. :-). Sharing the yarn budget is an issue, however. ROWAN for goodness’ sake. Sheesh!

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