Mon Aug 4, 2008

Health Group- Year 5, week 8

Ack! What’s the deal? I keep missing Saturdays for Health Group. Sorry.

This Saturday, I spent the whole day reading Breaking Dawn. Interesting book. Probably my least favorite of the 4, but I didn’t NOT like it. It was just weird, and pretty gross in parts. But then, I am beyond pansy about medical stuff. I have to concentrate on not passing out with needles, IVs, or even smashing my finger/toe really hard.

So, yeah. It was too much for me. I had to put it down twice and focus on breathing for awhile. And the second time I set it down, I couldn’t feel my arms or see quite right.

That being said, I think that normal people would be fine with it. I’m a pansy. For reference, I was totally squirming during the fight scene with James in Twilight. I’m happy to discuss the book in email with those of you who have read it. No spoilers here. Hayden doesn’t have it yet.

ANYWAY…. Health Group.

Not a great week, but I did exercise a few times. Met my Calorie Target twice. This week will be better. There’s not a party every night, for one, and I have exercise already scheduled with my friend, Ros. We worked out this morning for 50 minutes.

My house is getting painted this week. I’m really excited.

8 Responses to “Health Group- Year 5, week 8”

  1. Abigail Says:

    I hope Hayden gets the book soon!! I definitely know what you meant about being squeamish in bits though, I don’t do needles or freaky medical things at all.

    I can’t wait to see your freshly painted house!

  2. Laura Says:

    Hi Abigail! I know you have issues receiving email during the day. I don’t know if that’s still the case, so I’ll ask you here as well.

    Have you read it, then? Did you like it? I think I might like it better the second time through, but I don’t feel much desire to re-read it yet. I am re-reading bits and pieces though.

  3. Abigail Says:

    Hi Laura! Yes, no email at work 🙁 I finished it Saturday. I am not yet to the point where I feel able to re-read it, but I am getting to the point where I want to re-read it. I feel a lot better about it 48 hours out. There is a great review at “Maw Books Blog” ( which really sums up a lot of what I feel about it.

  4. Laura Says:

    Thanks for the link. I left a comment there, and I love how she said something about the characters losing their “voice and personality.” That’s totally what happened, but I didn’t specifically recognize it.

    Well, except for Jacob. We got into his head plenty, and it was hilarious. I’m very happy to like him again. It’s not the ending I would have liked for him, though. He deserves more. Better.

  5. Ashley Trost Says:

    I knew you’d be done with the book. My friends are so slow to finish it so I’m dying to talk to someone. I agree with you. It was my least favorite book. Too much Jacob! Edwards character was a bit lost. The imprinting was too weird. I could go on and on. I’ve re-read the good parts to make me feel better.

  6. Abigail Says:

    I love Jacob. Even more in this book. Trying not to say too much here (hi Hayden!), but I was really glad to love Jacob. I was happy to finally get more Leah too.

  7. Laura Says:

    Yeah, I was glad to understand Leah better.

  8. Hayden Says:

    OK, I have bought and read the book! Yay! Not at all what I was expecting, but I liked it. Mostly. I agree that Jacob deserved much, much better, but I don’t hate the ending. Leah, I pretty much assumed why she did what she did (in reference to Jacob), but it was nice to have that confirmed.

    How is Liv’s hand? And what colors is your house being painted? Did I miss that post?

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