Sat Aug 9, 2008

Health Group- Year 5, week 9

Pretty good week for me. A lot of exercise, ate tolerably well. I’m able to lift light weights again. My physical therapist said that I can do it as long as the weight is light enough for 20 reps. So I’m doing my biceps, triceps, and some squats for my quads.

I need to be eating more protein, but I don’t want to eat more meat. I’m having a hard time figuring out how to do it. I was surprised that beans aren’t as much of a source of protein as I thought. They’re more of a carb, so eating beans doesn’t help much with my nutrient percentages. And I only like Tofu sliced thin and fried. So, that isn’t going to help. And I’d feel weird using more protein powder than I already am. It doesn’t seem like a great food “source”, but a respectable supplement, you know? I don’t know what to do.

But since I’m trying to build muscle, I need more protein.

How was your week?

4 Responses to “Health Group- Year 5, week 9”

  1. carol gilchrist Says:

    My doc is still yelling at me for being anemic, and for gaining only 5 lbs in this pregnancy. He said the weight would be fine if he thought I was getting enough nutrients while at it. grumbles. The iron pills make me violently ill. So I can only take natural supplements, plus increase my iron rich food combined with vit c for absorbtion. It’s a pain. I swear you’d think the docs would be happy that I (being already too overweight) have gained next to nothing over 7.5 months. Just can never make them happy.

  2. Stephanie Says:

    It was so much fun to see you on Thurs. and today! I am back on the diet bandwagon but I can’t incoorporate the exercise quite yet because of my hurt knee. I should probably haul out the weights and do arm reps like you are. My weigh in is on Monday…so we’ll see how I’m doing. So far so good!

    As for protein…I have no idea how you could add in more without using the meat. Maybe egg white? It is the best source of protein out there…and you could make egg white omelets or something. Other that that and tofu I don’t know. Although…with the tofu…have you ever tried it in a smoothie? I use to make them all the time and use it with my frozen fruits and it blends up like a dream and makes it seem rich and creamy. Maybe that would work?

    I hope to see you again on Thursday!!

  3. Katie Says:

    Hey there, I’ve been doing Zumba twice a week and yoga at least once a week. Not doing so well on the diet – I haven’t quite mastered what to do when I get the munchies. Maybe I need to join WW again – I’m having a frustrating year not losing any weight and I’ve gained 10 lbs back. 🙁

  4. Kate Says:

    Hmm… more protein. Well, I get a LOT of my protein from dairy and eggs. If neither of those work for you, you can start adding protein powder to smoothies…

    Also, start adding quinoa to your diet. Plenty of protein and high fiber.

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