Sun Oct 31, 2004

Hayden Hat-along with me


It’s a knitalong! We even have a button to take in the sidebar! Please copy the image to your own server, instead of stealing bandwidth from mine!

If you’d like to participate, please notify me by leaving a comment to this post. I am not a whiz at the sidebar yet, so it may take me awhile to do you knitalong justice, having your names listed and linked there. I am designating Fridays as the update day for this knitalong. If you have pictures you’d like me to post for you, or if you are a blogger and I can link to you, I will be doing so on Fridays. Feel free to email me at any time if you have questions or problems with the pattern, or to notify me of your progress for inclusion in the Friday posts.

I am going to be knitting another one along with you. The pattern follows. I am happy to freely share this pattern, however, if you take and use it for lucrative, commercial purposes without first discussing it with me, I will be excessively annoyed, so please don’t do it.

Here are some links to pictures that might be helpful. Loads of swatches for color ideas, and a super close-up for stitch reference.

Yarn- Plymouth Encore, worsted weight. 3 or 5 colors. (Wool/Acrylic blend)
Needles- size 8, 16 inch circular, and double points
Gauge-18 stitches to 4 inches/ 10 centimeters in pattern

Gauge swatch-

co 19 stitches

Knit 1st and 2nd row.
Row 3- K1, (slip 1 stitch as if to purl, K1) to end.
Row 4- K1, (bring yarn forward, slip 1 stitch as if to purl, return yarn to back of work, K1) to end.
Knit 5th and 6th row.
Row 7- K2, (slip 1 stitch as if to purl, K1) 8 times, K1.
Row 8- K2, (bring yarn forward, slip 1 stitch as if to purl, return yarn to back of work, K1) 8 times, K1.

Repeat these 8 rows as often as you’d like, changing colors every 2 rows, not including the cast on row, so your first color change will be starting row 3. Remember that your swatch is 19 stitches, and you’re trying to get gauge of 4 inches at 18 stitches. Don’t kill yourself over gauge. If you’re close, you’re fine. Everyone’s head is shaped differently anyway.

Finally, a note about color- I have knit this hat with five colors, and with three colors. It is nice either way. The pattern is not specific on which color to switch to. Basically, pick your colors, choose the order you want them to appear, and keep them in that order, switching colors every two rows. So you will either be knitting (2 rows A, 2 rows B, 2 rows C) repeat, or you will be knitting (2 rows A, 2 rows B, 2 rows C, 2 rows D, 2 rows E) repeat. Remember that your cast on row doesn’t count as a color row. Also note that as a color repeats, it will look different, alternately. Once it will be the slipped stitch, next, it will be the knit and then purled stitch. If this confuses you, just ignore me. You’ll see what I mean.

Hat Pattern-

Cast on 98 stitches. Place a marker and join into a round, being careful not to twist.

*Knit 1 round. Purl 1 round.

Next row- (K1, Slip 1 as if to purl) all the way around.
Next row- (P1, yarn in back, slip 1 as if to purl, yarn forward) all the way around.

Knit 1 round. Purl 1 round.

Next row- (slip 1 as if to purl, K1) all the way around
Next row- (slip 1 as if to purl, yarn forward, p1, yarn in back) all the way around

CHANGE COLORS* repeat these 8 rows until your hat measures 4 to 4 1/4 inches tall (taller if you wish), ending with a Knit round.

Cap decrease begins-

Next round- P2 tog, P8, P2 tog, (P10, P2 tog) 7 times, P2 tog.
Work three rounds even in pattern. Ending once again with a Knit round.
Next round- (P9, P2 tog) all the way around.
Work three rounds even in pattern.
Next round- ( P8, P2 tog) all the way around.
Work three rounds even in pattern.
Continue decreasing in this manner, resulting in 1 less stitch between your P2 tog each decrease round, until you have 40 stitches remaining.

Next round- (Slip 1 as if to purl, K1, Slip 1 as if to purl, K2 tog) all the way around.
Work two rounds even in pattern.
Next round- (P2, P2 tog) all the way around.
Next round- (K2 tog, Slip 1 as if to purl) all the way around.
Work two rounds even in pattern.
Next round- (P2 tog) all the way around.

Cut yarn, leaving a long tail. With a blunt-tipped embroidery needle, run tail through remaining live stitches, pull tight, and weave in ends.

Pattern updated 11-03-04 thanks to Kim for the correction. Also, she had some additional questions that I answered in the comments which might be helpful to you.
Pattern updated 11-09-04– a clarification on the initial decrease rounds, no change to the pattern itself.

No Responses to “Hayden Hat-along with me”

  1. Megan Says:

    Well, how lucky is this? I just finished a project yesterday and my knitting bag is feeling a little empty.

    Count me in.

    Very cute glasses by the way 🙂

  2. Laura-M Says:

    How fun. What a surprise, I’d like to knit along with you 🙂

    I have some Lamb’s Pride Superwash in two blues and a gray stocked up for Christmas presents – I’m going to try to use some of it for my hat.

    I like your green hat. Thanks for this knit-along!

  3. Carrie Says:

    I would also like to participate in the knitalong, perfect timing for a few Christmas gifts!

    I LOVE your blog!


  4. Donna Says:

    I’m so excited Laura! I’m looking forward to knitting this hat along with you. I’d like to make a couple as Christmas gifts. Thanks for getting the pattern together so quickly for us!

  5. Laura Says:

    Fabulous! Welcome!

    Donna, thank me after you get through the pattern successfully :-). I’m always neurotic about writing patterns. I think this one is accurate, but we’ll find out. Fortunately, if it isn’t, you know where to find me!

  6. FYRKRKR Says:

    I’m in; I’ve always loved these hats you and the girls are always wearing!

  7. Malle Says:

    hey laura!

    count me in for this hat-knitalong! just love the pattern and the shape of you new knit-invention!

    i’ve been following your web-site for some time… it!


  8. Maddie Says:

    That hat is just adorable…but Oh my when “she” gets back she really is going to think she is one of your kids.

  9. Yarnalicious Says:

    This hat is so cute! Count me in on the knitalong. I don’t have a blog yet but hopefully soon. Your blog is lots of fun to read.

  10. Frances Says:

    Hee! You look just like your webpage picture! This delights me to no end. Too cute!

  11. sUsAn Says:

    Thank you for sharing your amazing Hayden Hat pattern! I’m tempted to join your knitalong but have too much on the table at the moment. I am looking forward to seeing how things progress with all the knitalongers though.

  12. jen Says:


    i came over here from someone else’s blog…can’t remember who now, but i had to comment, because i was in seattle 2 weeks ago for the jeopardy! tryouts (didn’t make the first cut, but whatever), and i dragged my husband up queen anne ave. from our hotel (the best western near the space needle…what a hike that was!) to hilltop yarn, and i absolutely fell in love. i’d never been to seattle before, and i seriously want to go to grad school there now, just so i can shop at that wonderful store on a regular basis. you’re lucky to live near such a great shop, and rest assured, i will be coming back, to seattle, to hilltop, and to your blog.

    happy knitting!

    ~jen, the small and mighty~

  13. jena Says:

    count me in, too!

    I’m at work right now trying to remember whether the Plymouth Encore I have at home is worsted weight or DK…

  14. Kim Says:

    Hi, I’d love to make this hat, but have a couple of questions about the pattern- sorry if they’re stupid questions! First, you say to “repeat these 8 rows”, but the repeat looks to me to be 10 rows… unless the last knit and purl rounds don’t count. Another question: in the main part of the hat, you’re supposed to end with a knit row, but I can’t figure out if this would be row 7 or 8. Also, I’m not sure what it means to “work 2 rounds even in pattern” in the decrease section. How do I know which rows to be working? Sorry again if these are silly questions- I may just be missing something obvious! Thanks!!! I love the hat!

  15. Laura Says:

    Thank you for that. You’re right, I needed to delete the last two rows on the 8 row repeat. Thanks.

    As far as what row to end with, that would be ending after either row 1 or row 5, whichever you want. You need to end after knitting all the way around before beginning the decreases.

    Lastly, I was confused at the phraseology “work even in pattern” the first time I saw it, too. What that means is that you continue to work the 8 row pattern, without any decreases or increases. So after your first decrease, which is a “purl all the way around” row, you would then commence with either the K1, Slip 1 round which is row 3, OR the Slip 1, K1 round which is row 7. Whichever one you are on in your pattern. Does that help? Let me know if you have any additional questions. Thanks, Laura

  16. Suzy Says:

    Hi! I discovered your blog a few weeks ago and just love it. I don’t get to check it as often as I’d like though. I love this hat so count me in 🙂 I started it today using red, white and gray…so far so good.

    Thanks again for offering such a fun pattern.


  17. Kim Says:

    Thanks for these responses- VERY helpful! Now one last question: do you prefer to cut the yarn after every 2 rows, or are you carrying each color when you’re not working with it? I’m never sure of the best way to do color changes like this…

  18. Lisa Says:

    I love your blog and your Hayden hat pattern. I’m in!

  19. Laura Says:

    Kim- I carry the yarn. I’ll post a picture tomorrow, 11-04.

    Everyone else- thanks! I’m happy you all like my hat! Please let me see them when they’re done.

  20. MA Says:

    Oh, I love that hat – I’d really like to join this knit along!

  21. heather Says:

    hee hee,
    I LOVE IT!
    LOVE IT!
    I don’t know when i’ll be able to start it, but i’m in!
    Hee, it’s my hat!

  22. Laura-M Says:

    Just curious, Laura (or anyone who’s finished her hat), do you have a guesstimate of how much yarn in total the hat requires? If not, that’s fine.

  23. Jenika Says:

    Is it too late to join? I love this hat and want to make one too!!

  24. Laura Says:

    Not at all. I’ll add you to the list!

  25. Jenika Says:

    I cast on this morning for Hayden, with a little help!

  26. ann Says:

    I hope it’s not too late to join – love this hat! such cute pics of you!

  27. Laura Says:

    Nope, you’re in!

  28. penny Says:

    Hi.. I LOVE your blog and your knit items.. I am going to try the hat but would love to know where to get the shawl directions also..

  29. Karen Says:


    Great pattern. It looks so much more difficult then it is to knit. Can’t remember how I found you but I’m glad I did. So happy you did not loose your entire site. I finished my first Hayden Hat the day your site had issues. I posted a picture in my blog. Could you add me to your knit along please?

  30. Gina Says:

    I would love to join this knit along!!!!

  31. erika Says:

    Hi, ive been reading your blog for a while now, and just love it! i decided to cast on for the hayden last night, and of couse am stuck on some directions…
    This line “Next row- (P1, yarn in back, slip 1 as if to purl, yarn forward) all the way around.”
    So does it mean that first i purl with the yarn in postition as if to knit, and then to slip, move the yarn forward as to purl? sorry for the ?, but i didnt want to screw up!! Thanks!

  32. emy Says:

    Hi Laura,

    I would love to join as well.

    But with all that yarn I have in my stash that says “6 sts/inch”, I’ll just work up to that gauge and add stitches accordingly and see what happens! 🙂

  33. Ginger Says:

    Hi Laura,

    Great hat! It will be good for using up leftovers.

    I have one question. I am at the first drease round now. Are you decreasing ten stitches on the first decrease round and then eight on all the subsequent decrease rounds?


  34. anon Says:

    Hi there! I found your pattern by accident and I really want to make myself one. However, I have never knit anything but a straight line (aka not in the round). Do you know where I could learn to do this?

  35. Laura Says:

    I’d ask someone at a local yarn store to show you. You could look for tutorials on the internet, but I think it would be easier to have someone in person to show you. Best of luck.

  36. Elizabeth Says:

    I’d like to join! I just cast on this evening! Thanks for having such a fun and interesting blog!

  37. Kelly Jo Says:

    I just found your blog and would LOVE to sign up!!! I just noticed though that most comments were made in November last year. My fingers are crossed real tight that you’ve decided to make it an every day and every year knit-a-long? Please, please, pleeeeease? 😀

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