Wed Aug 27, 2008


Last night, while sitting in my favorite chair, I asked Nate to toss me my camel swatch that I noticed was on the floor. He did. I gasped.

Clark looked up, saw what had made me react, and then started bringing swatches to me.

When I looked at him with a sad face and said, “oh no, Clark!” he said, “Sorry mama. Sorry mama. I sorry mama.” He is the sweetest boy.

I had caught him earlier in the day with super sharp scissors that had been left on the floor, but didn’t think much of it. He was just holding them, and handed them over quite willingly. Fortunately, they’re only swatches. If any FO’s had been in the vicinity… I shudder to think. And his precious little fingers… And then I think that I’ve made it through four toddlers as a knitter without this happening ’til now. That’s pretty good.

My poor little camel swatch.

5 Responses to “Scissors”

  1. JudithNYC Says:

    I am sorry, but I am laughing (since I know Clark is safe). I adore little boys. Though I consider myself a feminist and believe boy and girl children are no different, sometimes things like this make me wonder. When my little cousin got hold of some scissors (pinking!!!) she cut herself some bangs but when my son got an exacto knife he cut my newly upholstered couch side to side.

  2. LisaK Says:

    So sorry about your swatches! I’m glad Clark is okay and didn’t cut anything else.

    My son once cut perfect little circles out of a quilt that I had made. It was old and worn and I hadn’t spent a lot of time on it, but it made me sad.

  3. Diane Says:

    My kid took the scissors to the CURTAINS.

  4. Stephanie Says:

    EEK! I am constantly surprised by the havoc that little boys leave all around then. Atleast the swatch is still kind of in one piece. Had my little guy gotten ahold of it and scissors…it would be in total shreds.

    Thank goodness his little fingers stayed clear. We’ve had many similar run ins around here 🙂

  5. Marcia Says:

    I’m not sure how old Clark is, but he seems to enjoy working with fiber. Might be time for a loom or something!

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