Fri Sep 12, 2008

The oddest thing…

I have a floating bell fountain, which I love. I can’t, however, figure out how to get the tarnish off of the stationary bells. Any ideas? I’ve used silver polish, brass polish, steel wool… I haven’t tried bleach.

Anyway, this morning, I saw something hilarious. I know it won’t be quite as funny to you, as you can’t see it in action, but check this out.

There’s a spider in one of the floating bells. I’ve been watching it circle round and round, tapping the stationary bells, which sends it into a Disneyland teacup type spin.

I’m curious how it managed to get there. Those bells never stop moving. I took the bell out and set it on the counter an hour or so ago, and the spider is gone now. I think it would have starved on that thing, I can’t imagine how it would have gotten off. I saw it try, once.

My illness is keeping me from a fun luncheon this afternoon that I helped organize with some school moms, which is really annoying. I’m going to spin more wolf yarn today. And pout.

Oh, speaking of pouting…

One of my friends that moved to New York last year (so not Hayden) came back last weekend. I’m very pleased. Welcome back, Carol.

4 Responses to “The oddest thing…”

  1. Stephanie Says:

    EEK! You let it out ON THE COUNTER IN THE HOUSE?!?!?!? I would have put that sucker outside. I am not fond of spiders…especially big ones. And there are some doozies around here right now. EEEWWWW!!!!

    I have no clue how to get the tarnish off of your bells. Maybe the martha stewart trick of a lemon cut in half with salt? You sprinkle the salt on the cut side of the lemon and use it to scour the metal. I dunno…it might work. It works on copper 🙂

  2. Laura Says:

    haha. Spiders don’t bother me at all, so long as they aren’t touching me, or don’t take me by surprise. I really enjoy a big wolf spider, when it doesn’t startle me. I will scream though, if it gets too close, or if I see it suddenly.

    I don’t have any lemons, but I’ll try that sometime. Thanks.

  3. carol Says:

    awww thanks… see you tomorrow… if you are feeling better that is… whatever did the doctor say it is anyway?

  4. eve Says:

    You might try soaking them overnight in vinegar water to cover, and then washing with warm soap and water in the morning. This always works for me. If they are expensive, I wouldn’t do this though. Every once in a while a piece will lose a little of its color. I have done pennies, old latch keys, door handles and such to make them bright again.

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