Thu Oct 2, 2008

Back is done!

I finished the back to Clark’s sweater this morning.

My understanding was that if you knit two together on the last bind off instead of just binding it off, it helps to reduce the “stair stepping” effect. Well, I still see stairs. Maybe I’m doing it wrong? Anyone know? I don’t usually care, because the stairs seam up just fine, but since this is a saddle shoulder sweater, that seam is going to be on the front (well, in this case the back) of the shoulder and quite visible, so a smoother edge to seam seemed like a good idea.

Yesterday, I went to my LYS to buy the new Debbie Bliss magazine. It’s the first issue, and I love Debbie Bliss. Her designs and color choices are so elegant. She seems to balance interesting with “wearable” very well, as in her designs manage to be both not boring and not weird. Talent indeed. I also bought her Tweed book in which, as it turns out, most of the patterns are also in the magazine. Oh well.

I’m very annoyed her magazine doesn’t offer subscriptions. How insane is that? When I first heard of the magazine, before even seeing it, I immediately went online to try to subscribe. No luck. So I went to the LYS and bought the issue (actually, I called on Saturday, had them put one of the last 3 issues they had on HOLD for me, and bought it yesterday by which time it was sold out). When I came home, I fanned the pages to look for those pesky subscription cards that are usually supplied in abundance with every magazine I’ve ever bought.

I found what I thought was one, solitary card. I cheered.

It was a postcard.

No subscriptions.

In the future, I’ll have to keep an eye out for release dates, and make sure I get into the store before they sell out.


Seriously lame.

Yesterday was also a Cross Country meet for the girls. I took a bunch of pictures. The first few amuse me. Our PE teacher is fantastically fun. Everyone loves him. He’s extremely energetic and charismatic and has a very positive and fun personality. This exact description also applies to our half day kindergarten teacher. These two men head up the various after school sports programs sponsored by the school district throughout the year, as well as a very involved dance held yearly in late fall. It was clear to me the effect this has on the kids when I saw the teams lined up on the bank waiting for the meet to start.

Our school-

Their schools-

The school with the purple shirts weren’t assembled yet, but they were about the same size.

I’m so glad we have those teachers to inspire and encourage our kids. They’re very lucky. And hearing Mr. H screaming and cheering as he sees each of the kids run by, calling them by name… it makes me tear up a little.

Maybe I should knit him something.

So, while waiting for the running to start, I took some cutie pictures of Clark on the playground.

And then, of course, they ran. Abby’s in the pink shorts.

It was a good day.

One Response to “Back is done!”

  1. Ellen Says:

    Wow – Clark is gettng so big!

    To avoid the stair step decreases, I always slip the first stitch, knit the second and then pass the slipped stitch over. This tends to give a smoother line.

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