Sat Nov 13, 2004

Health Group- week 23

Good morning. I don’t have much in the way of exercising to report. As in, nothing whatsoever. The truth is, I’ve been feeling quite fragile since the procedure on Monday. It hadn’t occurred to me previously that it’d be a good idea to take a week off from exercise while I recover, but that’s what ended up happening.

However… I lost a phenomenal amount of weight this week. I don’t think it is related to Monday’s hospital experience. In fact, I kind of went off the “no refined carbs” thing on Monday. On our way home from the hospital, we stopped at Spuds Fish and Chips in Juanita because I wanted some. Then after we were home, my sister-in-law made this fabulous chicken stew for us, with lots of potatoes. I ate them. Finally, my friend Gayle brought over a plate of her very yummy chocolate chip cookies. I probably ate about five. (Sorry Gayle, I keep forgetting to tell you. Thanks. They were good). The REST of the week, I’ve been good. And I’ve been loosing pounds steadily all week.

This morning, I was 215.5. I lost 5 1/2 pounds this week. I’m in shock, actually. At this point, I feel compelled to remind you that I’m not doing low carbs. I’m doing complex carbs. Last night for dinner, I had three large slices of my homemade, whole wheat, raisin cinnamon bread with butter, hot out of the oven, and a little bit of cold ham.

I am anxious to get back to exercising. I miss it. Monday should find me on the treadmill once again.

Soooooo, how are you all doing? I’ve had a few emails this week from new readers that have just discovered our Saturday group. Welcome! There are no rules. I, as you can tell, have no problem posting extremely personal information about myself. That is not necessary or required to participate. Feel free to use our group to the degree that it is helpful to you.

I’m still reeling a bit from what the scale has been telling me all week. It’s about freaking time! I’ve been working my butt off for months. That’s all I have to say.

Have a great week!

12 Responses to “Health Group- week 23”

  1. Suzy Says:

    Wowee wow! That weight loss is just awesome Laura. You know all that hard work does pay off if you stick with it…it’s just that sticking with it is soooo hard. It’s probably a very good thing that you gave your body time to recover too.

    I managed to walk for an hour on the treadmill 5 days this week. That’s really something for me…lol. Last week I got 3 1/2 hours. No change on the scales…and still struggling with cravings. Broke down and made cheese dip for my dd and I last night while we watched movies…really overdid it there.

    Ah…but today’s a new day 🙂

  2. Michele Says:

    Well done, Laura! I have been reading about your progess since the start of Health Group and am always impressed that you fit in so much exercise with three children in the house. My girls are 4 and 7 and I have a hard time finding time to think let alone exercise.

    I have joined in the spirit of your complex carb ban by imposing a ban my own temptations. Here is my list: no crackers, no cookies, no chips, no candy and hadest of all, no chai lattes.

    The ban was breeched last night when I joined my husband for ice cream and waffle cookie dessert. Its back to good eating today.

  3. Colette Says:

    Congrats on your great week! I weighed in this morning and was down 2lbs so I am extremely happy myself. I am doing the WW core plan, which is essentially eating foods from a list of lean protiens, healthy fats, fruits, veggies and complex carbs – no weighing, no measure and only counting pts for non core foods you eat. I have found this plan very easy to follow and am getting slow but consistant weight loss from following it. I have lost 7lbs in 2 months and am very happy.

  4. FYRKRKR Says:

    La, I’m sorry, the complex carb thing didn’t even cross my mind when I did the cookies. I was just thinking about comfort food and how nice a plate of warm, chocolate chip cookies might make you feel after a wretched day at the hospital with all those needles, and how chocolate is a known antidote for many ails. I wasn’t sure, but I thought needles might be on that list of things that chocolate counteracted, you know, needles, right up there with dementors.
    Anyway, you’re welcome for the cookies, sorry, it won’t happen again.

    I don’t have much to report this week, I guess the only good thing I can say about this week was that on Monday, I baked about 500 cookies and really didn’t eat very many at all. Seriously!!! I also packaged them all up so I couldn’t get to them, which made them safe. My legs must have got one heck of a workout – baking all day is hard work! – because I couldn’t stand any longer at the end of the day nor could I hardly walk the next day.

    I am glad you are feeling better and looking slimmer – you really do, you know!

  5. Becky Says:

    oooooo The bread sounds delicsious!!! Is there a recipe?

  6. Becky Says:

    Silly me, forgot to say WAY TO GO!!

  7. jody Says:

    HUGE congrats on this week’s weightloss!!!

  8. Laura Says:

    Thank you all so much!

    Suzy- way to go on the exercise

    Michele- good for you on the food

    Colette- congrats on the 2 lbs!

    Gayle- no worries

    Becky- yes, if you’d like

    Jody- thanks!

  9. LisaPrit Says:

    WAY TO GO!

    I love the colors for the new hat. I will have pictures of mine today. I made a French Market Bag in Chocolate and Raspberry once and it was just beautiful.

  10. larissa Says:

    Hi there,

    Great job Laura! My check-in is pretyt lame. I was very tired all week, and wearing a stupid heart rate monitor that makes me crazy. I swam only once, and did Pilates only once. I took one long walk with the dog all week. Wow, that’s the very minimum of exercise for me. On the bright side, next week has GOT to be better 🙂


  11. Janell Says:

    Congratulations Laura! That is absolutely fantastic. You deserve a big pat on the back. Slow and steady wins the race.


  12. athena Says:

    congrats, laura! that’s really great to read! 🙂

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