Thu Oct 9, 2008

Could it be?

Did something turn out the EXACT color it was supposed to?


This one looks pretty good, too.

I’m dyeing stuff for Veronica’s mitts. The green is wool and alpaca. The salmon color is silk. I have some silk top soaking right now that I’m going to dye mahogany to go both in the green mitts, and to use with my remaining blue fiber to be carded.

Other things making me happy today… my teacups.

As I was emptying and reloading the dishwasher this morning, I noticed the massive movement of teacups. The ones from the hot drinks last night replaced in the cupboard the ones we used for herbal tea this morning. I love it when the weather turns colder. We haven’t turned on the heat yet, so we’re wearing more layers and drinking warm things. It’s very fun. I could continue on like this for some time, but Nate won’t. He’ll be cleaning out the filter in the furnace this weekend, I’m sure, then the heater will come on. He hates being cold.

Last year, I think it was fog that got me waxing poetic and all cozy feeling, excited for winter. This year, it’s the emerging of teacups.

It was chilly enough at the cross country meet last night to put Clark in a hat. I have one cold weather hat that fits him well.

I made it in my early knitting days, when I was ambitious to design my own patterns. This one was for Abigail, and has a fun, swirly decrease pattern in dark blue on the top. It’s cute, but I need to make him his own hat. One without purple in it.

One Response to “Could it be?”

  1. Dani in NC Says:

    We are still getting temps in the low 70s. It is 72 now. Because of the way my house holds heat, that means it is hotter inside than outside. I’m not a big fan of cold weather, but I’m ready to stop feeling sticky.

    If that hat is from your early knitting days, then you have scary-good knitting skills. I’ve been knitting for years but I’m still stalled at “advanced beginner” level. Clark looks so happy in that pic, too!

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