Fri Oct 24, 2008

Why is it so?

It doesn’t matter how early they get up, or how much I keep on top of it and nag the heck out of them, the girls are still scrambling to get out the door in time for school. It’s so irritating. I tried to get them ready a few minutes early so we could get pictures of mitts before they left. I got a few quick, slightly out of focus, mediocre pictures while Nate was waiting for them in the car.

There’s more color in the Liv’s mitts than you can see in the pictures, but they’re still nice and subtle. The pictures of Veronica’s mitts are quite accurate.

I’ve made batts with the rest of the fiber dyed Veronica’s colors, with half the noil that was in her mitts. We’ll spin that up and see how it looks.

I made up the pattern. It’s handspun semi-woolen 3 ply. Size 3 needles. I used a 32 inch circular and knit the body using the magic loop method, and used double points on the thumbs.

Cast on 35 stitches. Work 3×2 ribbing for 40 rounds, set 7 stitches aside on a holder (I used safety pins) for the thumb, co 7 stitches and continue in the round for another 22 rounds. Bind Off. Retrieve 7 stitches for thumb, picking up an additional 9 stitches around the hole (the cast on for the new 7 stitches). Work one round in 3×2 ribbing, with an extra knit stitch in there somewhere. On second round, knit that extra stitch together with another knit stitch, and continue thumb of 15 stitches for 10 total rounds. Bind off. Weave in ends.

For Veronica, I decreased the number of rounds in each part. Something like, 30 round to the thumb, 16 rounds on the hand before binding off, 6 rounds of thumb. ‘Cause she’s a shrimp.

6 Responses to “Why is it so?”

  1. Dani in NC Says:

    My twins have been pushing the limit as far as leaving the house in the morning. Now that they are in middle school, they have to catch the bus up the street instead of right in front of our house. As the mornings get colder, they keep leaving a little later. This morning they actually missed the bus. Actually they could have made it if they didn’t have to carry instrument cases (sax and baritone). So I guess I’ll have to start pushing them out into the cold earlier. Time to knit more sweaters and wrist warmers, I guess!

  2. Stephanie Says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE! ANd might I add…your kids are SO CUTE! (even if they take forever to get out to school in the morning!) We all know how that is. It doesn’t matter how much time you leave….it evaporates into nothing before you know it and it’s a rush every single time. Take some comfort in knowing that you are not alone 🙂

    It was great to see you last night! I hope that you can make it again next week 🙂

  3. Elizabee Says:

    Thanks for the pattern. I have an old, drafty house that gets cold in the winter. These should take the chill out of my living room.

  4. Jean Says:

    Hmm, I seem to remember taking my sweet time getting ready for school too, don’t you???? LOL

    I love what you make and you have so inspired me to start knitting.
    Right now I am doing my first feather and fan scarf!!!!

  5. Jean Says:

    P.S. Love the pattern, now i am inspired to try these too.
    Who knows I just might become a knitter!!!!

  6. Darra Says:

    Time to revert to what my parents did…set the clocks ten minutes ahead.

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