Sat Nov 20, 2004

Health Group- week 24

Brrrrr. It’s cold here this morning. And I have a headache. BUT…

Good morning everyone!

Monday, Tuesday, and Friday I did 50 minutes on the treadmill. It felt great getting back to it. Wednesday and Thursday I took off, due to an incident that landed me in the doctor’s office, but I appear to be all better now. (Be quiet, Gayle). I’ve been holding off on weights this week because of the injection I had last Monday. I figured I’d slowly build back up to my regular routine, and I’ll start weights next week. No sense in damaging myself, and I’ve felt pretty fragile since the procedure.

I’ve lost another couple of pounds, which pushes me over 30 POUNDS LOST!!! This is good news. This means I’m 1.5 pounds away from having lost 1/3 of the weight I want to lose. I was 213.5 this morning. I’m thrilled.

For those of you that have been with me since the beginning, and for others of you who have since clicked the link in the sidebar and read the very first Health Group post, you know that knitting has been very helpful as a motivator for this dedication to health and exercise. I’m dying to knit clothes for myself, and seeing so many wonderful patterns that are too small for me keeps me working. Well, I’m starting to see more clothes that will fit me. My chest measurement is 47 inches right now. I don’t remember exactly where it was when I started in January, I think 50 or 51, but at 47, I’m seeing some great patterns that would fit me! Plus, I’m happier with my body which increases confidence that I could make something that I would still like once I’m wearing it.

All of this translates to a lineup of sweaters I want to make for myself. My question is this…. It seems that my weight loss has picked up pace a bit recently. Should I start knitting my sweaters now, or should I wait awhile?

Right. Enough of me. How are you all doing out there? I’d like to thank you all for the comments and support on a weekly basis. This Saturday post continues to be a strength to me. Have a wonderful weekend.

No Responses to “Health Group- week 24”

  1. Frances Chisholm Says:

    Way to go! I love that you’re doing this in such a healthy way! I’m totally cheering you on from Canada!
    As for the sweater, maybe you could make yourself a cardigan that would be sort of fitted now, but could still be worn as a comfy loose sweater as you continue your progress?

  2. Niter (Anita) Says:

    Congrats! I have battled my weight ever since I was a child too, and I was seriously bummed to gain back all the weight I had lost for the 5-6 years of college for my wedding last month 🙁 I am going to kick myself back in gear so that I can get to the cool patterns too (without having to spend a small fortune on yarn).

    I really think that either a jacket or a zippered cardigan would be awesome. The jacket could be something for over a thin shirt but later on when you loose weight you could wear it over another sweater. Or even better, just wrap yourself in cuddly extra inches on a cold winter day.

    The cardigan would be great too because you could make it tighter and use it now in my personal “trick” way. That is, knit it the size it would be if you lost a bit more weight. Equip it with a zipper and then wear it with an adorable camisole underneath zipped down half way. You can get away with a smaller camisole because the lower zipper part hides the tummy roll, and being a zipper you do not get those icky between button boob bulges. Basically, the cardigan and cami work each others weaknesses, where the tighter cami looks awesome on the bust but not so cool on the waist, the cardigan hides the waist and is open where it would not take to the bust. You get to show off the ?goods? with hiding the stuff you do not want to show. I was miserable with my weight and I got a lot of flattering lower cut shirts to show of the larger ladies. I figure work with what you got if you gotta be bigger. I am still not totally okay with being larger again, but at least I feel that I can be sexy at any size.

  3. jessica Says:


    I commend you on your program – it’s great to hear of someone taking to heart what is good for people that people don’t want to hear (that is, that in order to lose weight you need to work at it).

    I been heavy all my life. It has caused me heartache, and lowered self esteem. I have recently fell in love with someone who is very active. He helps me to make exersize an activity that I enjoy, rather than a chore. The more I do it, the better i feel, both physically and mentally. I sleep better, I am happier, and life seems better this way. I sincerely hope that you feel this way too, and if you don’t yet, you will. I promise.

    On the knitting front, I think that a zippered item would be a good idea, simply because weight sometimes comes off in strange ways. Like arms but not chest. Or chest but not waist, or waist but not chest. Knit something, if it makes you feel good, but knit something that you can wear, and can be adaptable.

    I wish you the best of luck with this. The pictures of your child on the website tell me that not only you but your whole family will benefit from this – and what family doesn’t need more things to share!


  4. jen Says:

    well, if you do knit things in your “now” size, you can always unknit & reknit them when you reach your goal weight, and use any leftover yarn to make a coordinating something (like if you make a sweater, you could reknit & make a sweater & matching short scarf/earwarmer/fingerless gloves or something)

  5. Suzy Says:

    Hi Laura. Awesome that the pounds are coming off. That has to be the best motivater ever to stay the course. I say go for it. Knit those yummy sweaters knowing that they will just continue to look even better on you as you lose the weight. I love the suggestions you’ve received so far.

    I had an ok week. I walked on the treadmill for an hour four days this past week, but my eating choices were terrible. Also I’m all bloated and terrified of getting on the scales, so I’m avoiding them for now!

  6. FYRKRKR Says:

    Way to go. La! Congrats! You’ve worked hard and I am happy for you! You are a major inspiration for me, I don’t know if I have ever told you that…but you are! Your Health Group has been very helpful for me as well. Plus you bring out a little bit of competitiveness in me – in a good way – which is a great motivator for me. Now I need to kick it into gear. I did some exercise this week at home and walked ALL AROUND Lake Union until my legs absolutely couldn’t carry me any further. They hurt all weekend. I did try to get into the gym but the stupid trainers there…well, I’ll spare the story, but it didn’t work out the way I’d planned at all and I was pretty upset. Hopefully when I get back from vacation I can get that sorted out.

    As we are leaving on vacation, and I won’t have much room for workout stuff, I am packing one of those exercise bands in my knitting bag and have worked out a little routine I can do while we are gone. I refuse to “diet” on vacation as that is major set-up for failure, but I will be sensible and focus on portion control. That, I think, is reasonable and achievable.

    As for the sweaters you want to make, here’s my suggestion to add to the list of many great ones already given. Make any and all sweaters you love and want. Wear them as long as you like them and they look good on you. I know you are thrifty and smart enough to leave tails long enough to find and frog then make new sweaters out of the beautiful yarn when you shrink so much that you are just swimming in the now oversized sweaters.

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